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Christmas Event 2021 - Development Thread


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2 hours ago, The Nyx Avatar said:

For today, let's remove 24 and 3!

There you go! We're closing to the truth

1 hour ago, Lazarus IV said:

Time to (hopefully) clear up the picture: can I open Cyan tiles 9, 11, 23, 26, and 28 please?

The middle will be "all" cleared, so hopefully that will be enough~

Oh man, you could have made another 2 reveals (5 per xmas help, 2 daily). I think this one is yours, though, can you tell what card is it?

In the meantime, you found a Shield and a Tome of Magic - Blaze. You're on fire. If you don't read this today, tomorrow you have 4 reveals.


Thanks to the both of you for your constant presence here, if it weren't for that, this place would be dead as heck. I'm wondering what should I do to keep people interested. Looks like this year the overall difficulty caused trouble, these phases took too long and... IDK, maybe I should have done things differently, additional smaller mini-games or something.


On another note, today I completed 60 monster cards for phase 3! Now I'm only missing the sub-bosses and bosses. Mwa-haha, they're gonna be nasty. But now I should rest because stuff is spinning around me @_@

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18 hours ago, Rayfield Lumina said:

...can you tell what card is it?

I'm starting to come to terms with how bad I am at recognizing card images xD

That said, if I don't guess something, it'll take longer to complete this entire phase b/c Nyx won't be able to guess...


20 hours ago, Rayfield Lumina said:

Oh man, you could have made another 2 reveals (5 per xmas help, 2 daily)...

...If you don't read this today, tomorrow you have 4 reveals.

Ah shoot, I guess I misunderstood the amount I had.  If you'll let me do 4 today, I'll go back to opening some Blue slots.  Let's try: 9, 11, 14, and 22.

To keep the game moving, I think I'll make a guess on the Blue puzzle after these slots are opened~


20 hours ago, Rayfield Lumina said:

On another note, today I completed 60 monster cards for phase 3! Now I'm only missing the sub-bosses and bosses. Mwa-haha, they're gonna be nasty. But now I should rest because stuff is spinning around me @_@

Sounds like it'll be tough!  Looking forward to it!

I'll see if my brother will want to jump in for phase 3.  I don't wanna distract him from his schoolwork for now, but he might be interested in that portion of the game (he liked when I told him some silly moments during the event last year).

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21 minutes ago, Lazarus IV said:

I'm starting to come to terms with how bad I am at recognizing card images xD

lol, but you're wrong. It's not like you guys are bad at guessing, it is that Nyx is a monster xD

21 minutes ago, Lazarus IV said:

That said, if I don't guess something, it'll take longer to complete this entire phase b/c Nyx won't be able to guess...

Well yeah, when I implemented that rule I didn't expect this would become a 2-event people ***mandatory distressed Fumino***. Dunno what should I do. Anywho:

You obtained a Mogmole and a Sword, mister I get all Items

23 minutes ago, Lazarus IV said:

I'll see if my brother will want to jump in for phase 3.  I don't wanna distract him from his schoolwork for now, but he might be interested in that portion of the game (he liked when I told him some silly moments during the event last year).

Alright! The more the merrier. But I hope the silly moments aren't from mechanics that aren't repeating this year xD. Honestly, as I'm writing this I'm doing monster card 65 and I'm yet to make any riddles, ngl, I don't feel like making them at this point lmao.

14 minutes ago, The Nyx Avatar said:

You have a point. You could say I'm "puzzled". :444814_key:

If nothing else, lettuce unlock 2 and 15 today. 

Lol, that pouting girl. I have a feeling you already have all other answers. Dunno why I don't wrap this Phase up already and give you 1200 points hahaha. Since nobody else wants to post, after Tinkerer makes his guess, you're good to go. Aaaand

You found an Hourglass!

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27 minutes ago, Lazarus IV said:

Yeah... The blue puzzle is still completely mystifying.

I will try making a guess on Cyan though: is it "Number 74: Master of Blades?"

I'd daresay Blue is the hardest, yeah

Aaaaaand Number 74: Master of Blades is


A wrong answer,  sorry Lazarus T_T 

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Hey guys, I'd like to have your opinion on something important. I might be the organizer and all, but you're an integral part of the event, without you and your great efforts to make singles, archetypes, drawings and Deck recipes, a lot of the time despite you arriving at home tired from a long day at work, this event would be nothing. I appreciate them all more than you can imagine, and that's why I don't want to take a drastic decision alone. The thing is, in the light of the last week where the event has experienced a drastic drop in participants and activity, and we almost reaching the 24th... well, I was considering cutting out Phase 3. I'm not saying I'd delete all the work I've made, but perhaps using it for another time? IDK, I'm not taking this lightly, I'm aware that there might be the possibility that the phase 3 is the one you were looking forward to and the reason you have been working so far, or perhaps not, I can't tell. I insist, your opinion in this is very important, let me know your feelings about the idea, ok?

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Aww man, yeah I liked the dungeon crawl but I share Nyx's sentiment.

@Sleepy , @Loleo , and @morrisoni4  haven't been in here for a few days. Maybe see if they pop back up (see what they say) before deciding one way or the other?

I know that I've been swamped with work (this week in particular...), so it's possible that they've been stuck with irl stuff as well.


If you do decide to abandon phase 3, I do hope to see some kind of stated resolution to the story (give us the bad ending xD)

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Sorry Rayfield. I've been caught up with seasonal stuffs.... of course I'd at least do my reveals but I forgot how many we get daily and I usually tune in when people do their own but before you get to update the OP for that so I've been kinda missing out... Also bad internet at work.

Other than that, today is my brother's birthday and can't ditch it even though I'd love to catch up with my art... and I had pretty dry skin on my hands this last week, which sounds petty but if you saw my hands it looked as if a number of placed had been sliced open so I had trouble doodling much or even touching my phone.

Regarding the last update, to be honest before December, phase 3 was the only phase I remembered. I didn't dislike phases 1 or 2 last year at all but phase 3 is the meat and bones. The moment you anounced the event this year starting December and I saw the puzzles and stuff, I thought we all kinda realized there was not gonna be enough time for the 3 phases... if it had only been phase 3 we would have been about enough time for the rescue mission to go through. 
I'm saying this to make sure I convey I was really really really looking forward to gettting to that stage, and I'm still a bit mad you deleted the story/lore you had posted here.

That said, your mental health is priority here IMO. It is the phase that less contributes to the overall goal of boosting activity (it is more like a reward game for those already deboted to the event if anything). Not to mention it is the hardest one to manage and keep tabs on. I have a decent idea of how big your plan is and it is a damn shame if you were to not make use of it.  I'd love to be part of it but if you can repurpose it for a less time-constrained thing and get to relax a bit during these holidays, I'd be in support of that if that's what you'd want n,n

I have some works in progress (haven't given up on the event) but life's been killing me, I am looking for ways to catch up even if I have to see where I can sneak out of my family time to finish the art stuffs....

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Phew, finally here. Sorry for the late reply guys, I've been taking care of stuff the whole day, and just had time o take a peek twice or thrice xD.

Sooo, in resume

-All of you like Phase 3, but
- Would be meh with few participants.
- I screwed it in the pace of the event, we took way too long in Phase 1 & 2 and that became an issue.
- Sleepy's hands are hurt 665914717973512193.png?size=96

Mmm... I really don't want to ditch Phase 3, much less now that three people are telling me they're really looking forward to it. Due to the state of the event last week, I've been feeling like a failure. The current situation is my fault, for being annoying at times, which turns away people, and for not developing a more stimulating event to keep the interest of people alive. So I thought,  perhaps we should just finish this as soon as possible. But now Sleepy has returned, and she's saying why she didn't post, and I gotta say, that revives the spirit in me (I mean, I'm worried about her hands, but it wasn't an "eww, xmas event, not posting"). This happens in a moment when, tomorrow and perhaps the day after, we won't have almost any activity due to the date, but after that, if you stay with me, we'll take this event to the end and we'll save those goddamn Madolches, even if we do in freaking February! No bad endings!

If any of you happen to have time to post the 24th or 25th, I'll probably have time to check throughout the day to update, but don't worry if you can't.

3 hours ago, The Nyx Avatar said:

Well, if nothing else, let's clear up 21 and 28 today.

Revealed n' revealed. You obtained Seven Tools of the Bandit!

1 hour ago, Lazarus IV said:

And I will open up Blue 12 & 26.

EDIT: Just a heads-up, I'm gonna be traveling all day tomorrow. Might ending up missing a post.

Double hit on Blue. You obtained an Hourglass!

And yeah, like Nyx said, you could sneak in a couple of requests in advance. Probably I'm replying to late, so you might not see this for a couple for days.

1 hour ago, Sleepy said:

Sorry Rayfield. I've been caught up with seasonal stuffs.... of course I'd at least do my reveals but I forgot how many we get daily and I usually tune in when people do their own but before you get to update the OP for that so I've been kinda missing out... Also bad internet at work.

Other than that, today is my brother's birthday and can't ditch it even though I'd love to catch up with my art... and I had pretty dry skin on my hands this last week, which sounds petty but if you saw my hands it looked as if a number of placed had been sliced open so I had trouble doodling much or even touching my phone.

Regarding the last update, to be honest before December, phase 3 was the only phase I remembered. I didn't dislike phases 1 or 2 last year at all but phase 3 is the meat and bones. The moment you anounced the event this year starting December and I saw the puzzles and stuff, I thought we all kinda realized there was not gonna be enough time for the 3 phases... if it had only been phase 3 we would have been about enough time for the rescue mission to go through. 
I'm saying this to make sure I convey I was really really really looking forward to gettting to that stage, and I'm still a bit mad you deleted the story/lore you had posted here.

That said, your mental health is priority here IMO. It is the phase that less contributes to the overall goal of boosting activity (it is more like a reward game for those already deboted to the event if anything). Not to mention it is the hardest one to manage and keep tabs on. I have a decent idea of how big your plan is and it is a damn shame if you were to not make use of it.  I'd love to be part of it but if you can repurpose it for a less time-constrained thing and get to relax a bit during these holidays, I'd be in support of that if that's what you'd want n,n

I have some works in progress (haven't given up on the event) but life's been killing me, I am looking for ways to catch up even if I have to see where I can sneak out of my family time to finish the art stuffs....

Those hands T_T. I'm sorry they haven't healed. That's rough for an artist. Tell your brother congratulations from me!

Ahhh, my mental health xD. Don't worry, I can take holding Phase 3 despite the complexity of it, what was killing me was how much I failed in this part of the event. But from now on I just want to stay positive.

I'd love to see more of your drawings finished, but I don't want you to push yourself if your hands are hurting. Only if you're fully healed, please >_<''. Tbh, people posting regularly is enough for me.

Phase 3 is alive!


I have an idea to speed up this phase a bit more:

As I said before, each box holds 8 items. Once all 8 items have been revealed, for your daily help you can either ask for your double reveal in another box as usual, OR, you can ask for a slight decrease in distortion. Do not expect that a single of these will automatically giveaway the card (unless you're Nyx), but probably 2 or 3 should be plenty enough. So yeah, if we come to a point where all 8 items are revealed, you can go for distortion reduction.

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6 hours ago, Rayfield Lumina said:

Phew, finally here. Sorry for the late reply guys, I've been taking care of stuff the whole day, and just had time o take a peek twice or thrice xD.

Sooo, in resume

-All of you like Phase 3, but
- Would be meh with few participants.
- I screwed it in the pace of the event, we took way too long in Phase 1 & 2 and that became an issue.
- Sleepy's hands are hurt 665914717973512193.png?size=96

Mmm... I really don't want to ditch Phase 3, much less now that three people are telling me they're really looking forward to it. Due to the state of the event last week, I've been feeling like a failure. The current situation is my fault, for being annoying at times, which turns away people, and for not developing a more stimulating event to keep the interest of people alive. So I thought,  perhaps we should just finish this as soon as possible. But now Sleepy has returned, and she's saying why she didn't post, and I gotta say, that revives the spirit in me (I mean, I'm worried about her hands, but it wasn't an "eww, xmas event, not posting"). This happens in a moment when, tomorrow and perhaps the day after, we won't have almost any activity due to the date, but after that, if you stay with me, we'll take this event to the end and we'll save those goddamn Madolches, even if we do in freaking February! No bad endings!

If any of you happen to have time to post the 24th or 25th, I'll probably have time to check throughout the day to update, but don't worry if you can't.

Revealed n' revealed. You obtained Seven Tools of the Bandit!

Double hit on Blue. You obtained an Hourglass!

And yeah, like Nyx said, you could sneak in a couple of requests in advance. Probably I'm replying to late, so you might not see this for a couple for days.

Those hands T_T. I'm sorry they haven't healed. That's rough for an artist. Tell your brother congratulations from me!

Ahhh, my mental health xD. Don't worry, I can take holding Phase 3 despite the complexity of it, what was killing me was how much I failed in this part of the event. But from now on I just want to stay positive.

I'd love to see more of your drawings finished, but I don't want you to push yourself if your hands are hurting. Only if you're fully healed, please >_<''. Tbh, people posting regularly is enough for me.

Phase 3 is alive!


I have an idea to speed up this phase a bit more:

As I said before, each box holds 8 items. Once all 8 items have been revealed, for your daily help you can either ask for your double reveal in another box as usual, OR, you can ask for a slight decrease in distortion. Do not expect that a single of these will automatically giveaway the card (unless you're Nyx), but probably 2 or 3 should be plenty enough. So yeah, if we come to a point where all 8 items are revealed, you can go for distortion reduction.

Hm...then would I be able to request a distortion reduction on purple? I've been chipping away at it for at least 2 weeks, and still can't tell what I'm looking at

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9 hours ago, Lazarus IV said:

(Gotta love waking up in the wee hours of the morning for no reason) 

I suppose today is "tomorrow" from my last post, so I might as well put up my daily reveals before I go back to sleep: Let's go Blue 10 & 34

Welp, waking up at those hours can happen to anyone, but also checking the Phone and posting is remarkable lol. Blue 10 & 34 revealed. Surprisingly enough, Mr. I-Sneeze-And-Get-An-Item missed this time xD

6 hours ago, The Nyx Avatar said:

Hm...then would I be able to request a distortion reduction on purple? I've been chipping away at it for at least 2 weeks, and still can't tell what I'm looking at

I'm afraid you can't yet. There are 7 items revealed, so you need to find 1 more, once that's done, you can request distortion reductions n.n   For the time being, I'd suggest you hit the Purple Box with your classic double reveal.

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3 hours ago, Sleepy said:

Hey @Rayfield Lumina
That first square is Dream Mirror of Chaos, the Fusion Spell of Dream Mirrors, isn't it?
I skipped posts right now. Will read them more calmly later so sorry if this was already suggested/guessed xD

Wooooo, Ezleepih, you got that one right! That's 200 points for ya!

Nicely enough, the three guessed cards so far are 1 monster, 1 spell, 1 trap.So one more of each and we're done!

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Hey, I'm back! Sorry I've been gone so long! As I am unsure of exactly how long I've been out, and I don't wish to abuse the generosity, I'll just take today's reveal and the last couple of days: Orange 26, 28, and 31-34. And for my extras from the "Gospelines," let's do Orange 35 and Orange 9. Thanks! Can't wait for phase 3!

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11 hours ago, The Nyx Avatar said:

Purple 29 and 8 today, please!

Elloe Nyx, there you go. And guess what:

You found the 8th Item, a Tome of Magic - Blaze!

This means that you can now request for distortion reduction on Purple. And actually, since yesterday you requested one of these but it wasn't possible (not all items in sight) and probably due to time constrains you couldn't come for your dailies, I'm giving you that distortion reduction today, as if you were using yesterday's dailies. Can you tell what is it now? If not, don't get discouraged, the reduction is small, but one or two more and it's going to be pretty clear!

57 minutes ago, morrisoni4 said:

Hey, I'm back! Sorry I've been gone so long! As I am unsure of exactly how long I've been out, and I don't wish to abuse the generosity, I'll just take today's reveal and the last couple of days: Orange 26, 28, and 31-34. And for my extras from the "Gospelines," let's do Orange 35 and Orange 9. Thanks! Can't wait for phase 3!

Welcome back! You obtained a Potion and a Tome of Magic - Photon!

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Just now, Rayfield Lumina said:

Elloe Nyx, there you go. And guess what:

You found the 8th Item, a Tome of Magic - Blaze!

This means that you can now request for distortion reduction on Purple. And actually, since yesterday you requested one of these but it wasn't possible (not all items in sight) and probably due to time constrains you couldn't come for your dailies, I'm giving you that distortion reduction today, as if you were using yesterday's dailies. Can you tell what is it now? If not, don't get discouraged, the reduction is small, but one or two more and it's going to be pretty clear!

Welcome back! You obtained a Potion and a Tome of Magic - Photon!

Nope. Too much going on in this art.

Can I request another reduction? And/or the removal of 1 and 33?

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