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Card Makers~Okay I've returned. I told Deity Mitsu he didn't have to ask to join...

Soul Immortal

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*Pokes Soul* You died or something? XD. How about...something with Einherjar. It's a term which I first heard from playing Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth. It means...


"In Norse religion the einherjar or einheriar were spirits of warriors who had died bravely in battle. The name is Old Norse for "one-army-ers" (singular would be einheri). It is often interpreted as "outstanding fighter", but might also signify "those who are all [now] in one army", because when alive on earth they were in many armies and bands, but now they are all in the Army of the Dead."

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XD....I don't really know but you could sort of consider it to go towards the "Because we all are of one Unison, and you signify that we are chosen because of our outstanding abilities to make cards." refrence. And yes I did like her bare nakedness. :P I just think the whole "Einherjar" thing is simply cool to be honest.

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