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Card Makers~Okay I've returned. I told Deity Mitsu he didn't have to ask to join...

Soul Immortal

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I'm sure GK will help. You always feel better helping others than. For the record; out of all of GK's Reps' date=' only 23 have been to do with contests in one way or the other. I on the other hand have 16 plus 2 more on the way which makes 18. Considering I've been here on the Forums a shorter amount of time. I would have to say I have a higher ratio of time/contest Rep points. I'm not saying he's not the best. I'm saying hes not the only one capable of that feat. I have absolutely no hard feelings about the Reps that GK has so don't take what I say the wrong way.


Just to point out that when YCM upgraded the card maker, everyone's reps from the past were erased. I had 17 before it reset. :P

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