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Card Makers~Okay I've returned. I told Deity Mitsu he didn't have to ask to join...

Soul Immortal

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Yeh like two contrasting colors. lol that would look yuk. I am fickle! I like Gold' date=' and Orange : D


And I want to change my user name to God Soul haha


I don't know, talk to YCMaker, he capitalized the first letter if my user, I asked him to do it

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Yeh like two contrasting colors. lol that would look yuk. I am fickle! I like Gold' date=' and Orange : D


And I want to change my user name to God Soul haha


Yes! God Soul would be perfect. Then we could have God Sushi, and God Elsandero, and God Zaloog, and so on. The God card creaters :)

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Yeah I did. Not bad huh. There was about 12 runners up though. lol I'm happy I even made it on the list. GK got best creative? Correct me if I'm wrong. There was a couple in the Academy that did well too. I think we should all help each other in contests too! That way the academy has a greater chance of making top spots.

Some can crop, and get them ready for editing if they need them.

We could have STL design if he needs to.

GK, and others can work on effects

Me on grammar, and correct wording so there can be no excuse for Judges to criticize!


It would seem more of an incentive to do that than just make cards for no reason? But then I never think things out so we would have to see what the Academy says to that...

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I'm sure GK will help. You always feel better helping others than. For the record; out of all of GK's Reps, only 23 have been to do with contests in one way or the other. I on the other hand have 16 plus 2 more on the way which makes 18. Considering I've been here on the Forums a shorter amount of time. I would have to say I have a higher ratio of time/contest Rep points. I'm not saying he's not the best. I'm saying hes not the only one capable of that feat. I have absolutely no hard feelings about the Reps that GK has so don't take what I say the wrong way.

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Alright! just post up what you find. I'll help more tomorrow okay. Don't worry theres plenty of time. I just got a bad headache. I might even have a fractured nose or internal bleed so I got to go get that checked out...

I hope the others don't mind?... I will help any member from scratch with any card re-wording, and that has to do with contests...

I'm out now.

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