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Card Makers~Okay I've returned. I told Deity Mitsu he didn't have to ask to join...

Soul Immortal

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Yeah having it in my sig at that time was a mistake. What happened is that I actually typed it out in my sig on a different tab in my browser just to see what it would look like. Thats when I sent you a PM. I never planned on saving it but I then after I that I couldn't access YCMF, and it must have saved it. I don't really know though it was an accident. Sorry for not being clear about it.


God Kaze it's a good name... As long as others know that thats where they go if they need help.


EDIT: El, I sent a PM to you entitled official business stating that we our group would have 4 threads, 1 of them been run by God Kaze to help those to balance out their cards or give ideas/fixes etc.

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Ok' date=' I'll just type up the rules and have it up in a few minutes. How does the name "Card Makers Custom Card Review" sound?


Card Makers Custom Card Review?

Did I miss something?

Sorry for not filling everyone in. I will be creating a thread were members can give reviews and help improve each others cards.

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I think my club forum suggestion should be put forward to YCMaker. I'm getting tired of idiots spamming up threads. At least this way only CLUB members will be able to view the forum via PASSWORD.


So what I suggest is a normal topic like this and then a CLUBS Section with a forum for the clubs. Followed by SUB-FORUMS for each club, however we'd be the only one. That way everything is between CLUB MEMBERS ONLY.

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I think my club forum suggestion should be put forward to YCMaker. I'm getting tired of idiots spamming up threads. At least this way only CLUB members will be able to view the forum via PASSWORD.


So what I suggest is a normal topic like this and then a CLUBS Section with a forum for the clubs. Followed by SUB-FORUMS for each club' date=' however we'd be the only one. That way everything is between CLUB MEMBERS ONLY.


That sounds like a great idea. After we establish that, we could (evetually in the future) use individual passwords for each member. that way, if there is someone starts spamming the thread using a certain password, we can just cut that password out without having to tell everyone a new single password.

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That's more of a job for the club owner...


I will put this forward to YCMaker via PM. I think I understand this idea. If I could get a PM with more details then I can do that


I decided to announce the Group Name now. I originally wanted it to be announced through my sig along with the new released banners our members would have' date=' but after seeing that STL has computer troubles it my take some time to do them. It may not come as a surprise to you but just so you all know, the official name for our group is


[center']"Card Makers Academy"[/center]

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