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Mind Ghost. A Trap card based on a card from the original Bakugan anime.

zero kross

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I based this card of the anime card from Bakugan called Mind Ghost. It's Bakugan effect defeats 2 Bakugan that lands on it (regardless of whose side their on). 

CARD NAME: Mind Ghost

Card Type: Trap

Property: Counter


During either player's Damage Step: Target 2 battling monsters, their current ATK becomes 0, also both players take 1000 damage. If this card is in your GY: You can add it to your hand, also take 1000 damage. You can only use 1 effect of "Mind Ghost" once per turn, and only once that turn.



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Really cool!

You don't have to specify current ATK as that is the default not modifying the original. 

Fun fact: When 2 monsters with 0 ATK battle neither is destroyed.


This card would probably be used as discard fodder just because of the retrieval effect. The actual battle effect isn't good at all and you would get the best use out of it waiting to use it on your turn.

Initialy it looked underpowered and fun until I realized the retrieval has no conditions good job on that being a HOPT.

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