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[DPR] Ricochet Rocketeer, the V Link bait that nyooms to the opponent's field as it attempts to kill them


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Ricochet Rocketeer
FIRE | UL U UR | Warrior/Link/Effect | 2800 ATK/LINK-3
2+ Effect Monsters
Cannot be destroyed by card effects. At the start of your Battle Phase, if you control this Monster Card: Destroy all cards on the field in the direction of 1 of this card's Link Arrows, then move this card to the zone of the destroyed card furthest away from this card, then if this card moved to an opponent's zone, repeat this effect.

Card: https://www.duelingbook.com/card?id=2802228     Art: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/65181276 (3rd image)


Monster Card not monster, meaning if its in a S/T zone, it still activates. Some people compared this to Voltester in how the psct is jank and it does weird things with Link Arrows. Idea is literally just it yeets across the board killing everything in its path, and then returns to sender if it can. Can end up being really good or disastrous depending on the circumstances. "Cannot be destroyed by card effects" is just a mini bonus, he's a Rocketeer surely he would have protection from his own technology.

Also if you're wondering about V Link bs, DPR's Link Monsters aren't nearly as combo-ey, but are more reminiscent of Xyz Monsters as toolbox options. The only one that actually extends the board ends your turn early Summon Breaker style.

Hoping to hear about what you guys think, and whether or not I should be murdered for this kind of card text. I think its competently written for the idea, though I'd like to hear from anyone who has any better ideas for the PSCT.

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Umm the card seems effective enough. Since it has 3 upward arrows, it covers 60% of the opponent's field already, then immediately goes most likely to your opponent's S/T zone that's closest to the side of the field the first explosion missed, to pop things again and then hopefully you can trigger cards of your own that float of getting popped by opponent card effects as colateral damage for blowing up the rest of the opponent's field with the second explosion. Then if you planned this right, you might have popped your own set "Waking the Dragons" (or equivalent) or not have had any backrow at all so it can come back into a Monster Zone and proceed with the rest of your Battle Phase.

It is a very convoluted nuke with good stats, pretty generic materials (Don't Link 3s have around Code Talker-ranged stats or lower when effects are good?) and can probably allow you to win with "Jackpot" xD

It's an interesting idea, sounds fun even if a bit messy, I predict it'd be a pretty powerful effect that can potentially break something... but only practice would tell.

The potential V extra link formation is not too bad if you are playing more along the lines of Master Rule 5.

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