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Discussion: Time Wizard

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Hah, Pika has a point. Just a few weeks ago, I remember someone posted a Time Wizard topic (I think it was Azuh) and everyone shot him down and said it was terrible because it could fail.


So could Cup of Ace, and Time Wizard can potentially give more advantage and doesn't give your opponent a +2 if it fails.


Time Wizard is way better than cup of ace.





Cup of Ace can be either-


-You get a +1.

-Your opponent gets a +2.


Time Wizard can be either-


-You get a +0-4, depending on how many monsters your opponent has.

-You get a -1, if you use it by itself with no monsters on your field.



Yeah, Cup of Ace definitely needs to be banned guys.



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Hah' date=' Pika has a point. Just a few weeks ago, I remember someone posted a Time Wizard topic (I think it was Azuh) and everyone shot him down and said it was terrible because it could fail.


So could Cup of Ace, and Time Wizard can potentially give more advantage and doesn't give your opponent a +2 if it fails.


Time Wizard is way better than cup of ace.





Cup of Ace can be either-


-You get a +1.

-Your opponent gets a +2.


Time Wizard can be either-


-You get a +0-4, depending on how many monsters your opponent has.

-You get a -1, if you use it by itself with no monsters on your field.



Yeah, Cup of Ace definitely needs to be banned guys.





No, there is already a Raigeki with legs, so this card is not really needed.


There is also a Pot of Greed with legs, but there is never enough drawing power, so that card is when used.

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guys where have u been time wizard is the top staple meta card ever. in fact its on the super ban list. yes the super ban list where if u even have it, konomi will break into your house and destroy it.


Well i dont see "timey" here ever being used in compeditive decks anytime soon. and the fact that anyone says ban hammer just makes me facepalm them.

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^ yugioh is a game of skill' date=' luck should not be involved, any card that involves luck, time wizard, barrel dragon, blowback dragon included should be banned


Barrel Dragon is just a once-per turn monster removal that needs 2 tributes.

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Guest Star

Stop spamming Sm.


Time wizard is horrible XD


Ok' date=' you're wrong there.


Time Wizard is not playable in the current meta (well, not successfully playable XD), but that doesn't make it a bad card. The possibility of destroying five monsters (for what, a coin flip?) is great.


The effect might as well say:


Flip a coin. If heads: Gain an incredible advantage

If tails: Lose 250 Life Points


Yeah, Time Wizard is horrible. [/sarcasm']

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still it involves luck' date=' luck should have no factor on the game


The outcomes are as follows:

a - Destroy 1 monster on the field.

b - You get a beatstick.

Neither is broken, so what's wrong with it?


Can you read well?


If not, I'll try to explain it to you.


Yu-Gi-Oh! is a skill (being able to do something by using strategies) based game. Any card that involves luck (doing something without using skill), should not be used in a skill based game.


Get it? Got it? Good.

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Guest PikaPerson01

ATTN Noobs:


Stop spamming my topic. "Lol, failboat". Geez, did you guys just discover the internet today or something?


The topic is about Time Wizard. Is luck a skill when it comes to destroying all of your opponent's monsters?

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