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My Spellcaster deck on YGO Spirit Caller


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Now, this deck is in game, so don't tell me to go and by a structure deck cuz you CAN'T

also, i don't have a DMoC yet, so don't suggest it

the deck:


Monsters: 18

3x Dark Magician

3x Gemini Elf

2x Neo the Magic Swordsman (i know, i am working on it...)

2x DMG

3x Magician's Valkyria

3x The Tricky



2x Magician of Black Chaos


Spells: 15

3x Dark Magic Attack

3x Dark Magic Curtain

2x Dark Magic Ritual

2x Dark Magician's tome of Black Magic

2x Magical Dimension

2x Sage's Stone

1x Thousand Knives


Traps: 7

1x Magic Cylinder

1x Mirror Force

1x Negate Attack (a filler, would like suggestions plz)

2x Solemn

2x Trap Hole


don't go around saying this deck won't win in any tourneys, because it won't play in any tourneys


but i would like suggestions none the less ;)

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i would do those, but i don't have some of those cards yet...

i don't have lightning, or apprentice

threatening roar i don't think is even in game

but will take your suggestions though

but other than that, what do you think?

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