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Burn deck!!!!!!


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just base the deck on this combo,

ojama trio > just deserts > secret barrel > chain strike


ASSUMING they have 3 s/t already on the field, and 2 cards in hand, that is already 4700 damage for a chain link 4


and who knows, you could also throw in torrential, to make it chain link 5 AND destroy the ojamas, doing 6000 damage!


then you just sac the wave motion canon that you have had for three turns for game

now THAT is an OTK!

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its fine, happy to help :D

just to be clear, first turn set ojama trio, torrential. just deserts and secret barrel and have chain strike in your hand

then do that combo to go for 6000 damage

*just remember that cards in chain resolve first, so you need to do the combo in reverse, but chain strike at the end still*

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3 The Immortal Bushi

3 Destiny Hero - Defender

3 Fire Trooper

3 Exiled Force


3 Card of Safe Return

3 Warrior Returning Alive

3 Wave-Motion Cannon

2 Offerings to the Doomed

2 Reinforcement of the Army

1 Premature Burial

1 Monster Reborn


3 Dark Bribe

3 Solemn Judgment

3 Secret Barrel

3 Skill Drain

1 Mirror Force


Bushi Burn>All else


This is a basic skeleton for a Bushi Burn deck, it works, and is more reliable then Chain Strike as Chain Strike is limited. It's also pretty cheap.

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Monsters: 5

2 Fire Trooper

2 Des Koala

1 Morphing Jar


Spells: 7

1 Chainstrike

3 Poison of the Old Man

1 Scapegoat


Traps: 28

3 Legacy of Yata-Garasu

3 Jar of Greed

3 Reckless Greed

3 Accumulated Fortune

1 Ojama Trio

3 Just Desserts

3 Secret Barrel

1 Ceasefire

2 Dimension Wall

3 Threatening Roar

1 Magic Cylinder

2 Chain Detonation

2 Zoma


Found that build somewhere and I think it's pretty good. I'd like to throw in torrential tribute, wave motion cannon, and lava golem in there but I'm not sure what to take out. You guys mind rating and fixing this deck? Thanks

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The spell/traps you have too many. To monsters you have too few. If you are going to draw the cards you need, mostly traps, you will need A Cat of Ill Omen or Mask of Darkness to retrieve your needed cards if you fail due to an opponent counter.


Hope that helps.

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Monsters: 11


1 Morphing Jar

3 Des Koalas

2 Fire Trooper

3 Giant Germs

1 Marshmallon

1 Spirit Reaper


Spells: 8


1 Chain Strike

3 Wave-Motion Cannon

1 Scapegoat

3 Messenger of Peace


Traps: 21


1 Magic Cylinder

3 Secret Barrels

1 Ojama Trio

3 Just Desserts

1 Ceasefire

3 Legacy of Yata-Garasu

3 Jar of Greed

3 Reckless Greed

3 Dimension Wall


Total: 40


R/F please

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NO simouchi burn ftw



3 nurse reficule

3 mystic tomato

3 cat of ill omen

3 des koala

3 giant germ

1 marshmallon


3 rain of mercy

3 upstart goblin

1 chain strike

1 wave motion cannon


3 bad reaction to simouchi

3 paths of destiny

3 gift card

3 secret barrel

1 ceasefire

3 just deserts

1 gravity bind

1 magic cylender


try that it also incorporates chain strike, plus all the good burn cards

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