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Snowy Moontrail


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Snowy Moontrail
[Field Spell]

When this card is activated: You can add 1 Tuner monster with 0 ATK from your Deck or GY to your hand.
If a Tuner monster's effect is activated by sending itself from the hand to the GY, you can draw 1 card.
Once per turn: You can target 3 Tuner monsters with 0 ATK from your GY; shuffle them into the Deck and draw 1 card.

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Yeah, it's a field spell that supports handtrap ghost girls.
To be honest, I think for a while they've been somewhat lame. The more of them you play, the less of your actual deck's strategy you get to have in exchange so you either play incomplete combos or a deck that can 1 card combo into everything you'll need. What's more, you don't tend to really control which ones you have at any time as they aren't typically related to anything else you are running.... other than playing with ratios in deck building and hoping for the best. Finally, I've seen decks play through like 4 handtraps in a turn and still end up with a full board in the worse cases.

I originally wanted to give it different effects like "destroy 1" or "banish from GY" but thought it'd get a bit too crowded and too versatile. Hopefully this isn't too much yet. And little tip: You can use it with "Metaverse" and "Demise of the Land" for a quick activation/search of a handtrap that's not hard OPT.

Thoughts, comments, suggestions all welcomed~


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I find low key hilarious how this card also works on Effect Veiler. Ah, yes, my favorite archetype, the Ghost Girls and the T w i n k. There is also probably some dumb combo out there that uses this as 3 extra copies of a tuner for weird Halq nonsense, but honestly, i couldnt care less tbh. Looks like quite a fun card to play on some sort of control adjacent deck, specially something like Eldlich or Ghostrick that doesnt particularly care about any specific Field Spells. Also, thank god Droll and Lock is older than tuners, having a card to search that guy would NOT have been fun at all, it is maybe the one hadtrap that still stops most combos on the stop. Same for Lancea and D Shifter not fitting the stats


Nice to see ya after a while btw

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I don't find anything to say in regard of this card but gud yob. From the PSCT to the effect seems perfect. If anything, I went to investigate the number of possible targets for the card's effect 1 and 3, and the result is whooping 74, including OCG exclusives and banned stuff. Of course, effect 2 is very juicy and if you were to run this boi you'd better do it when focused in the Ghost Girls but it's nice to see it can have so many comapnions. IDK, Maiden with Eyes of Blue is coming to mind, but perhaps because she's cute xD.

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