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Making New Cards


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ahh jeese........


Here's the steps:

1. go to http://www.yugiohcardmaker.net

If you have trouble with the images....you copy and paste the URL of the image from the internet into the box, for example if my image's URL was www.noob.com/2873.html, then I would put www.noob.com/2873.html into the box.


Get it??? :wink:

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You could right click on the card once you have generated and select 'save picture as', but I would strongly advise you against this as it saves it as a bitmap, which is not very good qualit. The best thing to do is click on it and it will open up imageshack, there will be a little picture of the card and you can click on it to get the maximum size, once it has loaded, you can then click on it and select 'save picture as' and it will then save it as a jpeg, which are much better quality. I suggest you make a new folder somewhere in your 'My Documents' folder and call it 'My Cards' or something like that, then all your cards will be in the same place. :)

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