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Drafta, the Artillery of the Efreeti [Written]


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This would be the third instance of the Artillery series of cards, alongside Pyotr and Breda, a series of cards made of Spellcasters with weird effects centered around specific Column or Zone shenanigans, mainly focused on flavoring rather than actual playability. Probably the kind of card you'd see as packfiller that seems fun to play at a local but not that much beyond that. Dont know if i'll ever finish this series tbh, Wind, Light and Dark dont particularly inspire me for the aestethic of the series. Oh well


Drafta, the Artillery of the Efreeti

Fire / Level 8

Spellcaster / Effect

3300 / 200

If this card attacks or is attacked: Special Summon 1 "Ongoing Fire" Token (Pyro/FIRE/Level 1/ATK 0/DEF 0) in Defense Position to your opponent's side of the field. These Tokens cannot be destroyed by card effects

This card can make a number of attacks each turn equal to the number of FIRE Monsters on both fields at the start of the Battle Phase.

At the end of each Phase, if a Monster is on a zone adjacent to one or more "Ongoing Fire" Token(s): Destroy it

Cards in zones adjacent to 2 or more "Ongoing Fire" Tokens have their effects negated


Let's go with the flavoring of each effect. The first, Token Summoning effect is meant to represent how the incendiary munitions used by this monster both to attack and defend itself cause widespread fires as collateral damage, filling the battlefield with patches of burning land as the fight goes on and on. The second effect, and probably the reason to play this for some weird OTK that i havent thought about, represents how, as a Pyromancer, Drafta is able to draw power from the ongoing fires to fuel their own attacks, increasing the rate and scale of their magic as the flames spread

The third effect represents how the gradual consumption of oxigen around the fires, as well as the inmense heat generated by them, finish off any remaining troops surviving around the area of impact of each barrage, and the last effect is meant to represent how the constant bombardment of an area causes the total supression of the troops within it, as fires surround them. Sadly, due to weird ruling reasons, Tokens cannot have effects and even when they have, their effects cannot be negated as they are considered the effects of the card that created them, so the intended effect of the fourth effect of the card causing a surrounded token to be destroyed by the card's third effect due to their inmunity being negated wont happen. This intended interaction was meant to represent how the excesive fires would end up consuming all the oxigen in an area and extinguishing eachother


Now, in terms of actual playability, chances are the only way this would be played is as some sort of OTK tool due to being a high attack multi attacker. Just have all of your lower attack bois beat up the tokens and it will be fine. Funnily enough, the surround eff causing negations can be probably the worst way i've ever seen to get over monsters that cannot be destroyed by battle. Its also a kinda weird and not very viable way to get over Tower Monsters, as they would need to be Unaffected ones to not die to this weird kind of removal (There might even be some Lingering nonsense going on, but since i deeply refuse to recognise that as a mechanic, i dont have a way to know it and honestly im fine living in ignorance ngl)


Originally, this card was gonna be a 3100/700 as the highest attack Artillery, but the temptation to make it a legal target of Rekindling was too strong. Non ironically the best use of this card might be an OTK out of a Rekindling on an simplified game state, which i find to be absolutely hilarious


That is about it. Hope ya like yet another card of probably the dumbest series of cards i've made



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