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Winds of Terror (kst80's new professional deck)

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I wanted to try to make a decent WIND-deck, and me myself thinks it went pretty good...


Tribute Monsters:

2x Simorgh, Bird of Ancestry

1x Simorgh, Bird of Divinity

1x Raiza The Storm Monarch

Total: 4


Non-Tribute Monsters:

3x Flying Kamakiri #1

3x Hunter Owl

3x Harpie Lady 1

3x Harpie Queen

3x Whirlwind Prodigy

2x Wind Effigy

1x Sangan

Total: 18



2x Harpie's Hunting Ground

1x Heavy Storm

1x MST

1x Monster Reborn

1x Ancient Rules

2x Lightning Vortex

Total: 8



1x Mirror Force

2x Hysteric Party

3x Dark Bribe

3x Solemn Judgment

2x Phoenix Wing Wind Blast

1x Torrential Tribute

Total: 12


Overall Total: 42 cards




3x D.D. Crow

2x Stealth Bird

2x Dark Simorgh

2x Wave-Motion Cannon

2x Cyber Valley

2x Cyber Dragon

1x Harpie's Pet Dragon

1x Chaosrider Gustaph


The idea of this deck is to use the different Winged-Beasts super powers to crush the opponent. I also found Dark Simorgh very usefull for countering Mill-decks. Also, by discarding a set of 3 Harpie Lady 1s and then use Hysteric Party when Hunter Owl is on the field, is an professional way to get a 3900 ATK Beatstick on the field.

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Uhm, whats PWWB?


But when I think about it, Miyabi is not that good.

Well, but what do you think about this deck in a rate of 1-10? I will use it in a tourney (not a real Tourney, but a tourney on MSN) so I would be thankfull for improvements.

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