Loleo Posted October 10, 2021 Report Share Posted October 10, 2021 Time Sorcerer Kari DARK 3 Spellcaster/Tuner/Effect If the turn count is higher than the number of cards in your hand and on the field: You can Special Summon this card (from your hand), and if you do, you can target 1 card your opponent controls, and if you do that, place that target on the top of your opponent's Deck. (Quick Effect): If the turn count is greater than the number of cards in your Deck, Special Summon this card from your hand or GY but banish it when it leaves the field. If this card is Special Summoned by this effect: Return up to 2 cards your opponent controls to the top of the Deck (they choose the order) and draw 2 cards. You can only activate each effect of "Time Sorcerer Kari" once per a turn. 500/800 Time Sorcerer Kanja DARK 3 Spellcaster/Effect/Tuner During each Standby Phase, place 1 Time Counter on this card. This card's ATK/DEF is equal to the number of Counters on this card x the turn count x 100. You can reduce the turn count by 4 but not to less than 7 to special summon this card from your hand or GY. You can only activate each effect of "Time Sorcerer Kanja" once per a turn ?/? Father Time LIGHT 8 Spellcaster/Effect This card is always treated as a "Time Sorcerer" monster. This card gains effects based on the current turn count. ● 4 or less: You can Special Summon this card (from your hand), then, you can add 1 "Time Sorcerer" monster from your Deck to your hand. ● 5 or more: (Quick Effect): You can Synchro Summon using monsters you control as Material. ● 10 or more: This card is unaffected by your opponent's monster effects, also, this card can be treated as Level 6 for the Synchro Summon of a "Time Sorcerer" Synchro monster. 2500/2000 Time Sorcerer Shii LIGHT level 2 Spellcaster/Effect Both players can only control monsters whose combined total Levels are less than or equal to the current turn count. If a player controls monsters whose total Levels exceeds the turn count, that player must return monsters they control to the hand (their choice), so that the combined Level total becomes less than or equal to the current turn count. 800/1800 Time Sorcerer SOH Light level 2 Spellcaster/Effect This card gains effects based on the current turn count. ● 4 or less: Neither player can activate effects from the hand ● 5 or more: Both players play with their hands revealed ● 7 or more: During the Standby Phase, the turn player can add one card from their opponent's hand to their own. 1200/1600 Time Sorcerer Tsundere Dark level 2 Spellcaster/Effect Once per turn, when a monster is summoned (Quick Effect): Increase the turn count by 1, increase this card's ATK/DEF by 800, and increase the Level of 1 monster by 2. 800/800 Time Sorcerer Han Kusari LIGHT level 2 Spellcaster/Effect Activate only as Chain Link 3 or higher while you control a "Time Sorcerer" (Quick effect): You can Special Summon this card from your hand, and if you do, negate the effects of all other cards in the same Chain, then, increase the turn count by 1. 400/200 Synchros: Chronos Creator of Time LIGHT 11 Spellcaster/Synchro/Effect 1 Tuner + 1+ non-Tuner monsters This card is treated as "Father Time" while on the field or in the GY. If this card was Synchro Summoned using at least 1 Spellcaster monster as Material, it cannot be targeted or destroyed by card effects. If this card was Synchro Summoned using at least 2 "Time Sorcerer" monsters as Material, this card cannot be Tributed, banished, and control of this card cannot change. If this card was Synchro Summoned using "Father Time" as Material, it gains this effect. ● Once per turn: Increase the turn count by 1 and if you do, you can return 1 "Time" card from your GY to your hand. 2500/3500 Time Sorcerer Pacetinne LIGHT 5 Spellcaster/Synchro/Tuner/Effect 1 Level 3 Tuner + 1 Level 2 monster Destroy this card during the third End Phase after this card is Summoned. Neither player may add cards to the field or to their hand outside of the Draw Phase. When this card is destroyed: Synchro Summon 1 Synchro monster using this card in the GY and a monster(s) you control as Material by banishing the material. When this card is used to synchro summon a monster while the turn count is 20 or more add the other material to the hand. 500/2500 Time Sorcerer Cat Tacticry DARK Level 5 Beast/Synchro/Effect/Tuner 1 tuner + 1 or more non tuners When this card is Summoned: Place 1 Beast Counter on all monsters on the field. Monsters with a Beast Counter(s) that are not originally Spellcaster monsters become Level 2 Beast monsters and they cannot change their battle positions. If a player activates a card effect while they control a Level 2 Beast monster, they must tribute 1 Level 2 Beast monster, also, that effect is negated. 2400/1600 Time Sorcerer Ennoble Ceve LIGHT 7 Spellcaster/Synchro/Effect 1 Tuner + 1+ non-Tuner monsters If you went first, this card can only be Special Summoned on an even turn. If you went second, this card can only be Special Summoned on an odd turn. Unaffected by your opponent’s card effects. Whenever battle damage would be dealt, the opponent gains LP equal to the damage instead. When a player gains LP or the turn count changes, place 1 Life Time Counter on this card. When this card leaves the field you can either: Add 1 monster from your Deck or GY to your hand whose Level is less than or equal to the number of Life Time Counters that were on this card, OR: Special Summon 1 "Time Sorcerer" monster from your Deck whose Level is less than or equal to half the number of Counters that were on this card (rounded down). 1500/3000 Time Sorcerer Ungaii LIGHT Level 9 Spellcaster/Synchro?/Effect 1 Tuner + 1+ non-Tuner monsters Must be Special Summoned on a turn a six-sided die was rolled or the turn count was changed by a card effect. This cards ATK is equal to the result of the last die rolled this turn x the turn count x 100. On even turns, this card becomes DARK on the field and GY and gains this effect. ● You can modify all dice rolls by +- 1. (min. 1, max. 6) Once per turn, If a card effect is activated (Quick Effect); You can negate that effect, and if you do, banish this card, and if you do that, Special Summon up to 3 monsters from your GY whose total ATK doesn’t exceed (a die roll + the turn count) x 100. If this card is sent to the GY by an opponent’s card: Add one Trap from your Deck to your hand. ?/500 Time Sorcerer Pureiyaa Level 9 Light Spellcaster/Synchro/Effect 0/3000 1 tuner + 1 or more non-tuner Can only be summoned when the turn count is greater than 20. For the remainder of the turn after this card is summoned it is unaffected by card effects. Can only be used as tribute/material for the summon of a spellcaster type monster. When this card is summoned, it gains 3 time counters. This card gains a time counter every time the turn counter changes, a spellcaster is summoned, a time sorcerer is summoned, and/or a synchro is summoned (one monster can apply multiple times). (Quick effect) Remove 5 counters from this card to: -Negate a card effect and destroy that card. -Draw one card. -Set the battle damage of a battle to 500. If this card has exactly 40 counters at the start of your standby phase you win the game. Spells/Traps: Lucky Time Field Spell During each Standby Phase, you can roll 1 six-sided die and add the result to the turn count for the remainder of the turn. If this card is sent to the GY: Increase the turn count by 1. During your Main Phase, except the turn this card was sent to the GY: You can banish this card from your GY; increase the turn count by 1, gain LP equal to the current turn count x 200, and add 1 "Time" card from your Deck to your hand. Time Limit Continuous Spell Players can only activate a number of card effects up to the turn count - the number of "Time Sorcerer" monsters you controlled at the start of the turn, but the number of activations cannot be lower than 3 During your turn, if you control a "Time Sorcerer" monster, negate this card's effects until the End Phase. During your opponent's standby phase, if the turn count is 10 or higher: destroy this card and draw one card. Time Sorcerer Barrage Spell Excavate cards from the top of your Deck equal to the turn count (max. 20) and apply the following effect(s) in reverse order based on the number of revealed "Time Sorcerer" cards: ● 0: Shuffle the excavated cards into the Deck and end your turn. ● 1 or more: Place the excavated cards on top of your Deck in any order. ● 2 or more: Add 1 revealed "Time" card from the excavated cards to your hand. ● 7 or more: Special Summon 1 "Time Sorcerer" monster from the excavated cards and 1 "Time Sorcerer" monster from your hand. You can only activate 1 “Time Sorcerer Barrage” per turn. Chance Time Reload Counter Trap When a Spell, Trap, or monster effect, is activated you can Roll 1 six-sided die; If the turn count is a multiple of the result: Negate the activation, and if you do, destroy that card, then, send cards each player controls to the GY equal to the die result. If the turn count is less than 7, you can activate this card from your hand. Time Strike Spell Inflict damage to your opponent equal to 100 x the turn count. If the turn count changes by a card effect: Shuffle this card [from your GY] into the Deck, and if you do, draw 1 card. You can only activate each effect of “Time Strike” per turn. Mother Time- A Rayfield Lumina original Mother Time - Perpetua Efímera Level 7 LIGHT Spellcaster / Synchro / Effect 1 "Time Sorcerer" Tuner + 1+non-Tuner monsters (This card is also always treated as a "Time Sorcerer" monster). If this card is Synchro Summoned: You can adjust the turn counter up to +3, then, if the turn counter is higher than the number of cards your opponent controls, shuffle up to 2 cards your opponent controls into the Deck. Once per turn: You can apply 1 of the following effects, based on the current turn counter. Even: Target 1 card your opponent controls; the target, and cards with the same name as the target in your opponent's possession are banished a number of turns equal to the current turn counter. Odd: Target 1 "Time Sorcerer" monster in your GY; Special Summon it, also, it gains ATK equal to the current time counter x200. ATK 2500 / DEF 2000 @Kanashimi I would love if you briefly checked it out! A long time ago @Rayfield Lumina and @Tinkerer helped me with these. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kanashimi Posted October 13, 2021 Report Share Posted October 13, 2021 Since you asked me for it, even ping me to go here, i will put my thoughts on these cards, also at realistic sections, so yeah, don't expect some sugarcoated review, it'll be a harsh review regarding realistic sections + comparation to current cards/powerlevel As a side note, i already know that other people probably already review this archetype before (you mention being a repost), so yeah, i dont know why you bring this up again, anyway, i will still do it. Here goes nothing! Time Sorcerer Kari The SS effect is just heavy condition being put, having turn counter to be > than your cards in your whole Deck. Unless you turbo mill/turn changer effect goes wild each turn, which, another issue if combined with, say FInal Countdown (i know i bring this up on my thread too, but still), i believe making it more easier condition works, but then again the effects . . . explained below, and i probably need to see the other card how easy it is moving turn count in this archetype. "If the turn counter is higher than the number of cards in your hand and on the field: You can Special Summon this card (from your hand), and if you do, you can target 1 card your opponent controls, and if you do that, place that target on the top of your opponent's Deck." Issue i am having: 1) You might want to change the "turn counter" into "turn count", because word "counter", refers to a marker placed unto cards to keep in check of effect to said related counter (Spell Counter, Kaiju Counter, etc) 2) " . . . Special Summon this card (from your hand), and if you do, you can target . . ." that whole wording is part of the effect, and part of the effect means, you don't normally target it, target happens after cost or simply after colon ":", also target happens before effects, so remove the target clause and straight to the effect instead, or just differentiate it normally with SS: Target; effect. 3) The removal effects, i will further explain below. Both removal were spin to top of the Deck, which, strongest removal imo in the current game, because its not only "non-destroy", but also put into the Deck (doesn't procs leaves the field effect), also locking opponent's from drawing a new cards during Draw Phase (if you bounce Main Deck monster/S/T), in a Summonable Level 3 Tuner? Time Sorcerer Kanja It's weird, not that weird bad, but Kanja is a Tuner with self SS effect, supposedly, Tuner monster is a part of a combo card > Synchro, yet it has a, stat gaining effect ala boss monsters? Even so its not that, useful enough (Turn 20 only 2k ATK.) The reusable SS is quite nice, i just don't get why it has stat gaining effect when you just going to have this as a Synchro mat anyway. "You can only activate each effect of "Time Sorcerer Kanja" once per a turn", Normally monster use "You can only use each effect . . ." rather than "activate", because, mostly. activate refer to S/T activation. Also again, 2 effects (Standby Phase effect and stat gaining effect), are an effect that never activate (the way you worded it with comma ","), so you dont refer that effect into OPT clause, but the SS effect . . . then again, the SS effect missing colon/semi colon so technically its also an effect that dont activate, which, should have been. Reminder also, "counter" > "count" Father Time Lets see the main guy, even going so far to make the "Time Sorcerer" name being put to effect instead of card name. No OPT surely lets see, umm, yeah. You know that Father Time can spam their brotherly twins? (Father Time SS, add another Father Time, SS repeat once again). So yeah, probably better put OPT + have him unable to search their twins. Rest of the effects were . . . good? SS2 Synchro is nice, and unaffected by monster effects is also good to make sure you can activate Father without being scared to be interrupted by negation from monster. Also "● 5+:" should be "● 5 or more:" Time Sorcerer Shii Shii is quite unique, albeit i am one of those person who despise floodgate, i like the design, its combining turn count + Levels to make a strong floodgate early on a turn, but again low stat is probably his weakness, but i grateful of that, means its also easy to take out as a balance. This also falls just like Kanja, albeit Kanja were Tuner, this is not, these effects were more awesome/fitting if it was a boss monster effects with a, reasonable stat. Time Sorcerer SOH Anti hand traps, okay. Play with resources at hand as public information, okay. Walking exchange on a body, sure. Yeah, its . . . okay probably you summon this, prevent opponent from maybe droll/ash or whatever hand trap they have, then you can be assured to play with less interruption, but thats it, the other effects which requires more counter actually weaker effects compared to first effect, which kind of ironic. Other than that this card doesn't add much to the archetype itself, no speed gaining nor consistency booster, more of a "Hello guys, i have an effect that happened to be benefit from moving turn count shenanigan, i am part of the cool club now like you do right, guys?" Time Sorcerer Tsundere Normally, i dont really care about naming, but srsly, why called Tsundere? it has different implications being put here, so i want to know the reasoning. The effect, does nothing useful, apart being a huge steroid muscle vs spam Deck, but even so the spam monsters Deck means fast access to removal boss monster, Tsundere wont live long enough to be of use. Probably better putting additional effect, like "This card gains these effects based on the current Level of this card ● 4+: X effects ● 6+: Y effects etc", again just like Kanja, an effect that works, well as a boss monster instead of Main Deck low leveled monster. "summoned" also should be "Summoned" (capitalized S) Time Sorcerer Han Kusari It is either: 1) has possibility to become a broken cards on its own 2) or just underpowered due to hard to achieve the CL. Until i know how easy building a chain link in the archetype, thats my only thoughts currently. Chronos Creator of Time Cool name, high Level, weird stats, and . . . underpowered/mediocre effects? Other than lore story stuff, why this card has Father Time as an additional name? Does it affect gameplay? effects? So far i didnt see any of both. The protection is kay, and one of them is creative new protection, but thats it, you put up resources to summon Level 11 Synchro only to Summon a guy whose Dark Magician has same ATK for it. I get it, it is meant to be Defense Position, doing the free add from GY until opp can remove it, but current powerlevel, there are many nuke removal, non targeting removal, even stat gaining beyond 3.5k (e.g most used were Forbidden Droplet as a tech to that kind of monster). The other issue i have is it can add any "Time" related cards, i am not refering Time Wizard, but Timelord, Time Thief, and the list goes on, you should specify it into: either "Time Sorcerer" or "card that specifically list "Time Sorcerer" in its text". Time Sorcerer Pacetinne First effect is weird, prevent to add card cards to the field? You do not add cards to the field, unless it is Pendulum, added face-up in the Extra Deck. Also the, "synchro summon" should be "Synchro Summon" capitalized S. It's a strong card to kill opponent's consistency by preventing them to tutor a card, but sadly also somehow, counter-synergy by its own deck (killed instantly if you keep moving turn count), albeit can quick synchro afterwards, but losing the effect for a new boss monster, what is the reasoning for that? Time Sorcerer Cat Tacticry Good effects, and unique, i love it, IF it were for a generic Synchro. But it's belonging to the "Time Sorcerer" archetype, has nothing to do with the archetype itself and stand alone, soo . . . ??? Time Sorcerer Ennoble Ceve Another unique effects which revolve around going first/second matters, also requiring an evened/odd number to SS, creative. Other than that is convoluted effects that, how do you procs "When a player gains LP or the turn count changes"? Does the LP change effect need to be at the same chain as moving turn count effect? "Whenever battle damage would be dealt, the opponent gains LP equal to the damage instead." should be "If your opponent would take battle damage, your opponent gains LP equal to that amount instead". Funnily enough is that, this card is more stronger and more useful than Chronos Creator of Time, albeit lower level = easier to Summon to. Time Sorcerer Ungaii The definition of trying to be creative + slapping strong effects + new mechanic = Ungaii Utter specific requierment of SS, requiring a dice roll/turn moved to make it work. More importantly, it has nothing to do with moving turn count other than, it requires them to gain the effects or to SS itself. I don't even know why that card becomes DARK even, i know lorewise on your side, but what of gameplay wise? Is it has its use? Time Sorcerer Pureiyaa The win con of the Deck. "Can only be used as tribute/material for the summon of a spellcaster type monster." You want it to be Kaiju-proof, and stealing as mat-proof, alright. the PSCT. . . all over the place, i think you are rushed on this one, idk, Nothing else to say, it has potential of becoming good, it sit there stall opponent until you exodia them. Worded better as: "Can only be Summoned when the turn counter is 20 or higher. For the rest of this turn after this card is Summoned: Unaffected by card effects. Cannot be Tributed or used as a material to Summon a monster, except Spellcaster monster. When this card is Summoned: Place 3 Time Counters on this card. Each time the turn count moved, a Spellcaster monster is Summoned, "Time Sorcerer" monster Summoned or Synchro Monster is Summoned: Place 1 Time Counter on this card. During your Standby Phase, if this card has 40 or more Time Counters, you win the Duel. (Quick Effect): You can remove 5 Time Counters from this card, activate 1 of these effects. ● Target 1 face-up card on the field; negate its effect, then destroy that card. ● Draw 1 card. ● The next battle damage you take becomes 500." Reason i changed the "● Target 1 face-up card on the field; negate its effect, then destroy that card." because removing 5 counters already part of cost, then if you want to negate some effect, it requires a condition which "If a card or effect is activated", which, cant be worded correctly right here (at least to my knowledge), changing it to targeting effect, because you cant just worded "negate and destroy", what are you negating? where? that stuff. Lucky Time Is an enabler, self banish for search. basically the core card here, lacks of protection means a single mst can destroy it. Again, this card can search Timelord, Time Thief, Mischief of Time Goddess, and so on. It can also search itself, which is, falls into Father Time issue above. Time Limit Just weird. Its trying to limit yourself, then it guarantee you 3 activations, THEN also negated the effect during your turn, like what happened here? Is it going to hinder you or help you? or what? The draw 1 is okay but slow for nowadays. Time Sorcerer Barrage "● 0: Shuffle the excavated cards into the Deck and end your turn. ● 1+: Place the excavated cards on top of your Deck in any order." Just counter-synergy on its own idk what happened here with the 2 effects. "● 2+: Add 1 revealed "Time" card from the excavated cards to your hand." Again, aforementioned issue of searching Timelord and friends. Last effects adds speed to the archetype which is nice and welcomed. Chance Time Reload Omni-negation bundled with strong removal, but hindered by chance/dice roll. Okay i guess, tho i don't prefer those kind of probability effects, when the YGO rn is all about consistency and accuracy. Time Strike The only card i am liking, works well with shenanigans, self recovery + net you 1 card for the loss of activating this, and burn baby burn get hotter the longer the game goes. The only card i see so far were just on spot with the theme and archetype, and probably can be expanded further for the archetype to work around this card, but sadly, it isn't. Overall is okay, i can see you try new stuff in a creative way, some ended up just awkward, some were underwhelming, few were brilliant card on spot. So far from what i see, aside from using Time Sorcerer Barage, the Deck is too slow to work on a current metagame, not enough speed, also there is consistency issue where it lacks tutor/searcher to make a consistent play/combo you are intended for each turn. But ofc, it is my biased subjective opinion, if this archetype ended up good/works well as intended, then good for ya. Lastly, Wanna try sparring with my Chronous Deck? @ITSUKOSOADO Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Loleo Posted October 13, 2021 Author Report Share Posted October 13, 2021 15 hours ago, Kanashimi said: Time Sorcerer Kari The SS effect is just heavy condition being put, having turn counter to be > than your cards in your whole Deck. Unless you turbo mill/turn changer effect goes wild each turn, which, another issue if combined with, say FInal Countdown (i know i bring this up on my thread too, but still), i believe making it more easier condition works, but then again the effects . . . explained below, and i probably need to see the other card how easy it is moving turn count in this archetype. "If the turn counter is higher than the number of cards in your hand and on the field: You can Special Summon this card (from your hand), and if you do, you can target 1 card your opponent controls, and if you do that, place that target on the top of your opponent's Deck." The secondary effect was supposed to not be likely to use and just there looming as a miniscule possibility. Issue i am having: 1) You might want to change the "turn counter" into "turn count", because word "counter", refers to a marker placed unto cards to keep in check of effect to said related counter (Spell Counter, Kaiju Counter, etc) 2) " . . . Special Summon this card (from your hand), and if you do, you can target . . ." that whole wording is part of the effect, and part of the effect means, you don't normally target it, target happens after cost or simply after colon ":", also target happens before effects, so remove the target clause and straight to the effect instead, or just differentiate it normally with SS: Target; effect. 3) The removal effects, i will further explain below. Didn't think of that, makes sense. Both removal were spin to top of the Deck, which, strongest removal imo in the current game, because its not only "non-destroy", but also put into the Deck (doesn't procs leaves the field effect), also locking opponent's from drawing a new cards during Draw Phase (if you bounce Main Deck monster/S/T), in a Summonable Level 3 Tuner? well the special summon effects I feel have appropriate restriction to warrant spin. Time Sorcerer Kanja It's weird, not that weird bad, but Kanja is a Tuner with self SS effect, supposedly, Tuner monster is a part of a combo card > Synchro, yet it has a, stat gaining effect ala boss monsters? Even so its not that, useful enough (Turn 20 only 2k ATK.) The reusable SS is quite nice, i just don't get why it has stat gaining effect when you just going to have this as a Synchro mat anyway. Well there is a little more power here you see the ATk isn't equal to the turn count it is equal to the turn count times the number of turns Kanja has been face up on the field. "You can only activate each effect of "Time Sorcerer Kanja" once per a turn", Normally monster use "You can only use each effect . . ." rather than "activate", because, mostly. activate refer to S/T activation. Also again, 2 effects (Standby Phase effect and stat gaining effect), are an effect that never activate (the way you worded it with comma ","), so you dont refer that effect into OPT clause, but the SS effect . . . then again, the SS effect missing colon/semi colon so technically its also an effect that dont activate, which, should have been. Can only activate once per turn means even if the activation is negated you can attempt to activate again. If the word "use" is specified you cannot attempt reactivation. Reminder also, "counter" > "count" noted Father Time Lets see the main guy, even going so far to make the "Time Sorcerer" name being put to effect instead of card name. No OPT surely lets see, umm, yeah. You know that Father Time can spam their brotherly twins? (Father Time SS, add another Father Time, SS repeat once again). So yeah, probably better put OPT + have him unable to search their twins. Rest of the effects were . . . good? SS2 Synchro is nice, and unaffected by monster effects is also good to make sure you can activate Father without being scared to be interrupted by negation from monster. This was DEFINETLY supposed to be a HOPT, but I'm ok with him searching himself. Especialy since depending on what turn it is you might not be able to summon him again next turn. Also "● 5+:" should be "● 5 or more:" Alright that makes more sense especialy with me saying "or less" on other cards. I think I was just being lazy. Time Sorcerer Shii Shii is quite unique, albeit i am one of those person who despise floodgate, i like the design, its combining turn count + Levels to make a strong floodgate early on a turn, but again low stat is probably his weakness, but i grateful of that, means its also easy to take out as a balance. This also falls just like Kanja, albeit Kanja were Tuner, this is not, these effects were more awesome/fitting if it was a boss monster effects with a, reasonable stat. glad you like :) Time Sorcerer SOH Anti hand traps, okay. Play with resources at hand as public information, okay. Walking exchange on a body, sure. Yeah, its . . . okay probably you summon this, prevent opponent from maybe droll/ash or whatever hand trap they have, then you can be assured to play with less interruption, but thats it, the other effects which requires more counter actually weaker effects compared to first effect, which kind of ironic. Other than that this card doesn't add much to the archetype itself, no speed gaining nor consistency booster, more of a "Hello guys, i have an effect that happened to be benefit from moving turn count shenanigan, i am part of the cool club now like you do right, guys?" Yeah that's his whole thing. Time Sorcerer Tsundere Normally, i dont really care about naming, but srsly, why called Tsundere? it has different implications being put here, so i want to know the reasoning. I had this whole lore for this archetype and I love playing with google translate and puns. I think I mismatched the name and effect. The effect, does nothing useful, apart being a huge steroid muscle vs spam Deck, but even so the spam monsters Deck means fast access to removal boss monster, Tsundere wont live long enough to be of use. Probably better putting additional effect, like "This card gains these effects based on the current Level of this card ● 4+: X effects ● 6+: Y effects etc", again just like Kanja, an effect that works, well as a boss monster instead of Main Deck low leveled monster. The ATK boost is just extra I meant to make this a quick effect, but most of the time just supposed to be synchro fodder. Kinda want to add special from hand if the turn count is a multiple of 3. "summoned" also should be "Summoned" (capitalized S) Caps is one of my biggest weakness thx. Time Sorcerer Han Kusari It is either: 1) has possibility to become a broken cards on its own 2) or just underpowered due to hard to achieve the CL. Until i know how easy building a chain link in the archetype, thats my only thoughts currently. It negates your own cards in said chain so it is best used to stop an opponent's big play. Chronos Creator of Time Cool name, high Level, weird stats, and . . . underpowered/mediocre effects? Other than lore story stuff, why this card has Father Time as an additional name? Does it affect gameplay? effects? So far i didnt see any of both. There were going to be cards that work only while father time was on the field but I never made them. The protection is kay, and one of them is creative new protection, but thats it, you put up resources to summon Level 11 Synchro only to Summon a guy whose Dark Magician has same ATK for it. I get it, it is meant to be Defense Position, doing the free add from GY until opp can remove it, but current powerlevel, there are many nuke removal, non targeting removal, even stat gaining beyond 3.5k (e.g most used were Forbidden Droplet as a tech to that kind of monster). I'm thinking of adding cannot be destroyed to first protection and cannot be banished to the second. If droplets is used too bad he has weaknesses. The other issue i have is it can add any "Time" related cards, i am not refering Time Wizard, but Timelord, Time Thief, and the list goes on, you should specify it into: either "Time Sorcerer" or "card that specifically list "Time Sorcerer" in its text". Yes This is on purpose. Time Sorcerer Pacetinne First effect is weird, prevent to add card cards to the field? You do not add cards to the field, unless it is Pendulum, added face-up in the Extra Deck. Also the, "synchro summon" should be "Synchro Summon" capitalized S. No new cards can be played while Pacetinne is on the board I meant to also add the restriction she is the only monster you control that can attack. It's a strong card to kill opponent's consistency by preventing them to tutor a card, but sadly also somehow, counter-synergy by its own deck (killed instantly if you keep moving turn count), albeit can quick synchro afterwards, but losing the effect for a new boss monster, what is the reasoning for that? the third end phase is not the third turn the end phase has to actually occur. Time Sorcerer Cat Tacticry Good effects, and unique, i love it, IF it were for a generic Synchro. But it's belonging to the "Time Sorcerer" archetype, has nothing to do with the archetype itself and stand alone, soo . . . ??? Lore just lore. I forgot the lore. Time Sorcerer Ennoble Ceve Another unique effects which revolve around going first/second matters, also requiring an evened/odd number to SS, creative. Other than that is convoluted effects that, how do you procs "When a player gains LP or the turn count changes"? Does the LP change effect need to be at the same chain as moving turn count effect? it says "or" so only one or the other needs to occur. "Whenever battle damage would be dealt, the opponent gains LP equal to the damage instead." should be "If your opponent would take battle damage, your opponent gains LP equal to that amount instead". Yes but I want it to apply to both players. Funnily enough is that, this card is more stronger and more useful than Chronos Creator of Time, albeit lower level = easier to Summon to. Chronos is much easier to summon and this guy just allows you to maneuver a bit I don't see the power TBH. Time Sorcerer Ungaii The definition of trying to be creative + slapping strong effects + new mechanic = Ungaii Utter specific requierment of SS, requiring a dice roll/turn moved to make it work. More importantly, it has nothing to do with moving turn count other than, it requires them to gain the effects or to SS itself. I don't even know why that card becomes DARK even, i know lorewise on your side, but what of gameplay wise? Is it has its use? Chaos synergy :P. and yeah not everything moves the turn count. also synergizes with the field spell. Time Sorcerer Pureiyaa The win con of the Deck. Nothing else to say, it has potential of becoming good, it sit there stall opponent until you exodia them. You could but it has little protection except negates after turn 1. Wasn't particularly rushed but thanks for the help it definitely wasn't great. Worded better as: "Can only be Summoned when the turn counter is 20 or higher. For the rest of this turn after this card is Summoned: Unaffected by card effects. Cannot be Tributed or used as a material to Summon a monster, except Spellcaster monster. When this card is Summoned: Place 3 Time Counters on this card. Each time the turn count moved, a Spellcaster monster is Summoned, "Time Sorcerer" monster Summoned or Synchro Monster is Summoned: Place 1 Time Counter on this card. During your Standby Phase, if this card has 40 or more Time Counters, you win the Duel. (Quick Effect): You can remove 5 Time Counters from this card, activate 1 of these effects. ● Target 1 face-up card on the field; negate its effect, then destroy that card. ● Draw 1 card. ● The next battle damage you take becomes 500." Reason i changed the "● Target 1 face-up card on the field; negate its effect, then destroy that card." because removing 5 counters already part of cost, then if you want to negate some effect, it requires a condition which "If a card or effect is activated", which, cant be worded correctly right here (at least to my knowledge), changing it to targeting effect, because you cant just worded "negate and destroy", what are you negating? where? that stuff. This first part was supposed to occur in response to an opponent's activation. I just need to put that in the original condition. Lucky Time Is an enabler, self banish for search. basically the core card here, lacks of protection means a single mst can destroy it. Again, this card can search Timelord, Time Thief, Mischief of Time Goddess, and so on. It can also search itself, which is, falls into Father Time issue above. All of that is on purpose it is sufficiently restricted. Time Limit Just weird. Its trying to limit yourself, then it guarantee you 3 activations, THEN also negated the effect during your turn, like what happened here? Is it going to hinder you or help you? or what? The draw 1 is okay but slow for nowadays. This is just a floodgate that limits the opponent's turn. The +1 is only if you get this card late it's not horribly dead. Time Sorcerer Barrage "● 0: Shuffle the excavated cards into the Deck and end your turn. ● 1+: Place the excavated cards on top of your Deck in any order." Just counter-synergy on its own idk what happened here with the 2 effects. 0 only occurs if you find none. "● 2+: Add 1 revealed "Time" card from the excavated cards to your hand." Again, aforementioned issue of searching Timelord and friends. Last effects adds speed to the archetype which is nice and welcomed. :) Chance Time Reload Omni-negation bundled with strong removal, but hindered by chance/dice roll. Okay i guess, tho i don't prefer those kind of probability effects, when the YGO rn is all about consistency and accuracy. fair but I like random . Time Strike The only card i am liking, works well with shenanigans, self recovery + net you 1 card for the loss of activating this, and burn baby burn get hotter the longer the game goes. The only card i see so far were just on spot with the theme and archetype, and probably can be expanded further for the archetype to work around this card, but sadly, it isn't. :/ alright. Overall is okay, i can see you try new stuff in a creative way, some ended up just awkward, some were underwhelming, few were brilliant card on spot. So far from what i see, aside from using Time Sorcerer Barage, the Deck is too slow to work on a current metagame, not enough speed, also there is consistency issue where it lacks tutor/searcher to make a consistent play/combo you are intended for each turn. But ofc, it is my biased subjective opinion, if this archetype ended up good/works well as intended, then good for ya. Lastly, Wanna try sparring with my Chronous Deck? when do you wanna spar (because YES)? also how do you do spoilers here I forgot. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kanashimi Posted October 14, 2021 Report Share Posted October 14, 2021 10 hours ago, ITSUKOSOADO said: Just put your cards on db and hit me up when you are ready Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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