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can somebody tell me how this works then help me help my friend

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ok my friend is making a fairy otk based around saturn and celestial transformation


now what i dont get is how you can then play IRS to then special summon another 2

how does that ruling work i kno its attack is halfed but dosnt it miss the timing ?


so now can you give me a decklist that i could falward to him


his deck is pretty solid as it is he has some non bad-burn cards and some lp increasing cards liek momongas and giant germs wich have helped


but any xtra help would be nice



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How does it miss the timing? the very last thins to happen was the special summon, the decrease of the attack happens at the same time the monster is special summoned (sort of like if a field spell was in play) So yes that it possible, and very clever I might add. Kinda wish I would have thought of that combo... might have to steal it.

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