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Mew 101 Set (11 Cards) (New Card Type)

Mew 101

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My Mew 101 Set. First of all, if you would like to sugest some card ideas, I am as open as McDonnalds for requests. 2nd, you may notice that on the Toons, Gemini, Union, & Infections that with other Cards it says [Fairy / Toon / Effect] or something along those lines, but my cards say [Fairy / Toon]. I will be happ to change these for you. All I need is Two of The Cards. (One that says [ / Effect] & One that Says [Type / Toon, Gemini, Union, etc / Effect].The new type of monster is an Infection Monster. It starts of as a Fusion, but with some editing, I change the Fusion to Infection & change the whole card. Last of all, I know there are other Pokémon on here, but the main ones will be related to Mew, Mewtwo, Lugia, & Dark Lugia.


[spoiler=Disclamer]I do not own any of these pics.I just use them to increase the quality of my cards. All cards come from DeviantART


[spoiler=Infections. What are they & whats diffrent?]


When a monster is fused with a "Deoxys - Master of Infections" card, it becomes an Infection Monster. an infection is basicly the same as the un-infected monster, but with a few diffrences, in both card color & effect. All infection monsters ATK & DEF are raised by 1000 & are 1 ster level stronger. They can attack on the same turn that they are played. As for the monster's card, it is basicly a 4 spuare invert, then a 4 square invert on the picture.


[spoiler=Mew 101 Set Booster Pack]

People who helped with Booster:

jhuskey1701 for making most of the booster

DeviantART for the pic

Mew 101 for adding "9 Cards Per Pack" & choseing a cute picture.



[spoiler=Mew 101]2agugi8.jpg



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Good pics(though the infected ones are kinda uncool edited)

some OCG errors and they are pretty balanced

exept for the last Fusion try raising the Level to a 12 ,yeah 12 is the magic number

overall 8/10

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Ok. Thanks. I'm going to put this in the 1st post, but there are people whom go straight for the cards so. Also for the OCG, when I got stuck, I pulled out my Yugioh cards to check. ^_^



When a monster is fused with a "Deoxys - Master of Infections" card, it becomes an Infection Monster. an infection is basicly the same as the un-infected monster, but with a few diffrences, in both card color & effect. All infection monsters ATK & DEF are raised by 1000 & are 1 ster level stronger. They can attack on the same turn that they are played. As for the monster's card, it is basicly a 4 spuare invert, then a 4 square invert on the picture.

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