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wish me luck...

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well tis the regional qualifyer this saturday and im basically hoping to win


anyhoo i was just wondering what my chances will be with my norleras win deck


3 the dark creator

3 norleras

1 dmoc


3 poc

1 disk commander

3 amegeddon knight

1 sangan

3 dark valkyria

3 dekochi


1 monster reborn

1 premature burial

1 heavy storm

1 mst

1 lightning vortex

1 creature swap

3 trade in

3 a feather of the phoenix

2 foolish burial

2 reasoning

1 swords of reavealing light


1 torrential tribute

1 mirror force

1 limit rebirth



as long as dont take more than 7000 pts of damage in my first 3 turns i can win basically :D

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u need anti light and anti burn and 3 dd crows for a regionbal. trust me. my local has been play testing for 2 weeks against the light deck and skill drain burn. they are real fast and light only has 2 counters. mirror/crow. and crow fill your grave with a dark you should play test maining 1-2 of them and see how it works.

and good luck. i still havent got my invite yet this year. game is exspensive right now

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