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Water contest! OVER


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Hi everyone! I'm hosting my first contest. You must make 1 WATER monster, and one spell/trap card to support it. This contest ends in 6 days, on Wednesday, May 21st. Everyone can enter.

I will be judging on:

Good grammar

Picture quality and relativity to card name



The prizes are:

1st prize: 3 reps,10 points

2nd prize: 2 reps, 5 points

3rd prize: 1 rep



1st: God Hunter ( i'll have to give you the last two reps tomorow, I already maxed for today)

2nd: Saint_jimmy

3rd: Rina Kasakura (even though I wans't to thrilled about the 2nd one not having a "real" picture)



1. zeratuel (withdrawn:()

2. Griffinsusername (recieved entry)

3. ultimateryan

4. dragon slayer 3

5. DX Games (recieved entry)

6. Rina Kasakura (recieved entry)

7. kakashi4eva (recieved entry)

8. Nelsn3 (recieved entry)

9. saint_jimmy (recieved entry)

10. death7ofsb (recieved entry)

11. nintendude (recieved entry)

12. God Hunter (recieved entry)

13. gphaku (withdrawn:()

14. Yankeefan

15. oogie_boogie_man92 (recieved entry)

16. KingOfFrogs (recieved entry)

17. lemonlure (recieved entry)

18. brunodnc (recieved entry)

19. lalolalo (recieved entry)

20. cruxis89 (recieved entry)

Anyone may enter. Good luck!

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I'll enter, but what will you do about the prize issue? You'd need 6 Rep Points to do the contest, as is, wouldn't you? You only have one.... You could change it to just points, I guess....


EDIT: Ignore all of the above, which speaks of prizes - Got "Rep points" and "points" mixed up.



((In case text is too small:

Effect: This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by removing 2 WATER Monster Cards in your hand / Graveyard from play, or by its own effect. When this card attacks a non-WATER monster, you can send that monster and this card to the Graveyard before Damage Calculation. If this card is sent to the Graveyard this way, you can Special Summon it during your 2nd or a subsequent Standby Phase.))




I didn't create the images on these cards.


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rina, you dont need to have reps to give reps. (correct me if i'm wrong people, i'll switch the prize to points if I am) I could give reps once I reached 25 posts, I and I had no reps.


Also, rina, it would appear that the image on your "Healing Aqua" card is unnavailable and I can't see it. :(

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This card cannot be Normal Summoned. This card can only be Special Summoned by tributing 5 monsters you control. This card cannot declare an attack if your opponent controls no monsters. Each time a WATER monster is destroyed, increase the ATK of this card by 400. This card can attack all monsters your opponent controls once. When this is targeted by the effect of a Spell Card, you can pay 2500 Life Points to negate the attack and place this card in Defense Position. This card must remain in Defense Position until your next End Phase.



Spell added later.^_^[/align]

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rina' date=' you dont need to have reps to give reps. (correct me if i'm wrong people, i'll switch the prize to points if I am) I could give reps once I reached 25 posts, I and I had no reps.


Also, rina, it would appear that the image on your "Healing Aqua" card is unavailable and I can't see it. :(



@Rep Points: My bad. That's what happens when I take in all the rules at once. ^_^' [Got "Reputation Points" and "Points" mixed up]

Again, my mistake.


@"No Image Available:" Ah. That's because there never was one for it. I got that "No Image Available" pic from Netrep.net. They put it on cards that they don't know / don't have the card art for.

I just copied the card, cropped out the pic, and saved it for cards I don't have pictures for.

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