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Enigma's Anime Contest(Finished)

Enigma Zero

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I would like to take a momment to appologize for this contest not being concluded

as I would have liked it. Between work and being amazingly sick at the momment

I've just not had the time and energy to complete the tabulations yet. I am making

this post just to let people know that I have not abandoned this project and will,

at the latest, have this one completed and in the books by the weekend at the latest.

I know I hate it when contests that I am participating in go down the tubes into limbo

so I wanted to make this post to let people know that this is not the case. Not only will

this contest conclude by the weekend...I might have a second contest in the works by

then as well.


Thanks for your patience and understanding. :D

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Ok, I have the results. It was definately an interesting contest to judge and if you want your individual percentages then simply PM me and I will send them to you(don't want to hurt people's feelings by making this into a public spectacle. Ok, enough chit-chat...let's get down to the dirt.


1st Place: Nelsn3

2nd Place: Flrf

3rd Place: paintman


Congratulations to the winners and thanks to everyone who both took the time to read the rules and bothered to enter my 1st contest. My second contest probably won't be anime cards because I'll want a larger turnout. I'll have to think up something wide enough to get the interest yet interesting enough to not be every other contest. :D

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