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[OCG] 01/10/21 Banlist

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Newly Forbidden Cards
True King of All Calamities (Limited ⇒ Forbidden)
Mystic Mine (Limited ⇒ Forbidden)

Newly Limited Cards
PSY-Framegear Gamma (Semi-Limited ⇒ Limited)
Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS – Sky Thunder (Unlimited ⇒ Limited)

Newly Semi-Limited Cards
Souleating Oviraptor (Limited ⇒ Semi-Limited)
Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon (Limited ⇒ Semi-Limited)
Pot of Desires (Unlimited ⇒ Semi-Limited)
Crossout Designator (Unlimited ⇒ Semi-Limited)

Unlimited Cards
Danger! Nessie! (Semi-Limited ⇒ Unlimited)
Salamangreat Circle (Semi-Limited ⇒ Unlimited)
Mind Control (Semi-Limited ⇒ Unlimited)
Pendulum Call (Semi-Limited ⇒ Unlimited)

Source: https://ygorganization.com/theantitechlist/

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They took 1 more hand trap away with the Gamma limit, but also took away anti-hand traps in Crossout Designator. It's like they want to keep a balance of hand-traps | anti hand-traps. Here I was hoping the game would gradually move away from hand traps and possibly make Setting backrow more viable like in former times, but doesn't seem like it. Nowadays backrow is mainly good only if the Deck can search it, and when going first.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/12/2021 at 8:41 PM, Mr. Best Male 2008 said:

Kind of some silly hits. They will do everything except ban Maxx C over there lmao

Why would they ban one of the best aspects of the format?


The list is solid, 2 less Maxx C counters should help slow the format even further. Ideally we'd go down to 1 crossout, and back to the days of 2 ash, but I will live


REDMD to 2 will absolutely see play in Dragon Link. Wish we had gotten Blaster or Ptole back to 1 

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