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Yu-Gi-Oh THE LOST GENERATION chapter 1 added

L33t Jenkins

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Name: Roza

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Deck: Mind Buster

Star Card: Knowledge King 294p5hg.jpg

Bio: This duelist is more serious than the others and always makes it look like that her opponent is going to get an easy win then see pulls 1 of her cards and the tables turn.



Age: 13

Gender: Male

Deck: D.D Legends

Star Card: D.D Overlord (icm)

Bio: Ben is the youngest of all of the group but he is not to be underestimated his tatical moves always leaves his foes in a sticky situation. Roza is ussally jealous of his skills. ben is a caring guy who has a strong soul





Low Fury

Mokey Mokey Master (icm)

The weaker duelist of the group and when he starts dueling he gets very nervous and ussally make careless mistakes.


chapter 1: rise of the shadow cards

it was a dull spring day in guildford and Roza was in her second duel for the day. A murky grey cloud shadowed the swings

where Ben was sitting so he could watch the duel. Roza foe was Derek History Teacher called Mr. Nick. Roza had no monsters

on the field and 1 face down card. Mr. Nick had a Armed dragon level 3 in attack mode and a big shield gardenia in deffence.

Roza LP: 3000

Mr. Nick LP: 8000

Mr Nick: Attack now Armed Dragon. Razo you are just as bad duelist as your friend Derek.

Razo: Im not but your worse than him i activate Birth of the high IQ which allows me to special summon a IQ monster when my opponents has 5000 or more lifepoints than me and i choose

Brainy beast (ATK 2000 DEF 800)

Mr. Nick: Your still quite foolish as now a replay battle occurs and i choose not to attack

armed dragon continues to attack and IQ beast raises it's raw and send out a firey orb which destroys armed dragon

Roza: Yes but all of you attack pisition monsters are force to attack my beast.

mr nick lp: 7200

Roza: And also i can pay 500 lp to make big shield gardenia change pistion and it is forced to atk

Roza lp: 2500

mr nick lp: 5300

Roza: And now it's my turn and my beast shall attack directly.

mr nick lp: 3300

Mr Nick: I was going to win this duel without causing much pain but know i must or master will be angry.

mr Nick takes his jacket to reveal a long dark coat the sky turned a dark purple colour and when mr nick drew and card a black aura flied past his hand

Mr Nick: Now i play Shadow Cannon. This card will reveal your fate as i roll a single dice and depending on the number depends on which of my 6 monsters can be summoned

The cannon shot a dice and it landed on 4

Mr Nick: Perfect now i can summon Razia the Storm Monarch in attack mode. of coure i have to pay a cost which is 2000 life points.

Mr Nick LP: 1300

Mr Nick: Now i summon Vorse raider now Razia attack her beast and then vore raider direct attack.

Roza Lp: 200

Roza: my turn and i draw yes now i play my secret weapon intelligence burst which at the cost of half my lp.

Roza lp: 100

Roza: and by discarding 5 cards form my deck all of your monsters are destroyed and you take damge of the total level monsters destroyed time 200

Mr Nick: Noooooooooo

A flash of light appeared and where mr nick was standing and when it faded all waht was left of him was a pile of ashes and a piar of rimless glasses.

Ben hurried to Roza. Roza was shocked at the sight see just saw

Ben: Are you alright

Roza: Yes thanks but i don't think we saw the last of him.

Chapter end.

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