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My Health for My Glory (Written) (Might turn this into a set later, hence the names of cards that aren't shown yet in the effect.)


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My Health for My Glory

Continuous Spell Card

This card irrevocably cannot be used as Fusion Material to Fusion Summon "One With Alchemy". This card can only be activated while you have at least one of the numbered conditions face-up on your side of the Field unless stated. 1) "One With Alchemy" Monster or 2) a Fusion Monster that used "One With Alchemy" for its Fusion Summon or 3) a "The Wicked" Monster or 4) a "Kuri" Monster or 5) you choose to Banish face-down half your Deck's cards, rounded up, then shuffle your remaining Deck. If the 1st or 2nd option for the resolution of this effect is not used, the following is restricted to the End Phase(s) except payment. Once per each of your Phases at the ends of your Phases, you can: Assign (not using addition) or dissolve (not using subtraction) a Rank OR Level OR Attribute OR Type OR set-up of Link Arrows OR Xyz Material count OR count and name of Counter OR Red Scale OR Blue Scale from a Monster card that has appeared on the Field face-up while this is face-up to/from a Monster Card. (If the environment of the Duel asks for one of the settings of one of those properties, and multiple settings are assigned, choose.) For each alteration in this way present on a Monster Card(s) at the start of each of your Standby Phases: Pay 500 LP OR Banish this card face-down. You can only activate the effect of "My Health for My Glory" twice per Duel.

This card experiments with cards having multiple Ranks/Levels/etc. and/or having assigned properties not native to the kind of Monster Card they are. I don't recommend playing this card in a Duel where you only get 2000 LP to start with however, as that will only last for 3 upgrades (or downgrades) leading to only maybe 1 to 3 mess-ups on this card. And if you pay the 5th option to activate this card, it'll rarely if ever be worth it, but hey, Heart of the Cards and whatnot. But seriously though, I think this card needs work.

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19 hours ago, HQCardmaker said:

My Health for My Glory

Continuous Spell Card

If you control a "One With Alchemy" Monster, a Fusion Monster that used "One With Alchemy" for its Fusion Summon. Once at the end each of your Phases: you can target one monster on the field; change a Rank, Level, Attribute, Type, set-up of Link Arrows, or pendulum scale of the target. (even if this card leave the field).

I don't know if you realize this but choosing 20 cards to banish from your deck is incredibly useful and basically allows you to play a 20 card deck.

If I understand the experiment this should fit the intention?

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