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Formation - Sub type for Link Monsters [Written]


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So Formation acting as a evolutionary concept for Links where if you have monsters in all zones it points to, you can activate its Link Formation effect.

Banner Knight
Link: DL, DR
2 Warrior Effect Monsters
Link Formation: All Monsters in your Main Monster Zones gain 1000 ATK. 
At the start of the damage step, if this card or a Monster this card points to attacks an opponents Monster: That card gains 200 ATK for each Monster you control, during damage calculation only.
ATK/1800 LINK-2

Wonder Wizard
Link: D, DR
2 Spellcaster Effect Monsters
Link Formation: All Cards in your Spell/Trap Card Zones cannot be targeted or destroyed by your opponents card effects.
Gains 200 ATK for each Spell Card in your GY.
ATK/1600 LINK-2

Strike Dragner
Link: DL, D
2 Dragon Effect Monsters
Link Formation: If a Monster you control attacks a Defense Postition, inflict peircing battle damage.
This card, also, monsters this card points to gain 500 ATK for each Monster this card points to.
ATK/1500 LINK-2

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At first when i saw it i thought that its not that bad of a concept, but then as i actually think about it, apart from conviniently cutting some text thickness; i dont think its that "new". While on the more Co-Link side of feature showcase Trigate Wizard does almost the same thing if not actually more challenging than Formation does. The Formation being enabled by any monster making the effect a bit too easy to achieve to be standalone gimmick and doesnt put you in unique situation or goal like Co-linked or Extra Linked

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I guess it's something koomy could do. I agree with above in that the mechanic/effect doesn't warrant its own subtype, but at the same time koomy has released subtypes like Spirit, Union, Gemini and and Toon that could also have been regular Effect monsters with shared core effects, heck there are even pseudo Unions (some ZWs IIRC) and Spirits (e.g. Yosenjus) that don't have the subtypes.

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15 hours ago, Darj said:

I guess it's something koomy could do. I agree with above in that the mechanic/effect doesn't warrant its own subtype, but at the same time koomy has released subtypes like Spirit, Union, Gemini and and Toon that could also have been regular Effect monsters with shared core effects, heck there are even pseudo Unions (some ZWs IIRC) and Spirits (e.g. Yosenjus) that don't have the subtypes.

I think that's why we haven't seen a new subtype in forever. (I might be mistaken)

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6 hours ago, JairoLeyn100 said:

Oh, so it will be like this:

DL= down left

D= down

DR= down right

R= right

UR= up right

U= up

UL= up left

L= left

Am I correct?

Yep, that pretty much semi-official way to mention arrows in written format if you not have image ready to fill the frame. Some of us old user actually avoid posting card with blank picture (only frame and text) because in classic ruling of the site that is not consider "correct" posting, so either you post a full text or complete image with text. Debatable though

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Just now, Dokutah Jolly said:

Yep, that pretty much semi-official way to mention arrows in written format if you not have image ready to fill the frame. Some of us old user actually avoid posting card with blank picture (only frame and text) because in classic ruling of the site that is not consider "correct" posting, so either you post a full text or complete image with text. Debatable though

Ah ok thanks. To be honest, I would rather make the cards and post them (with the images of course) rather than write them. Then again, this last one could be a last resort when I want to share an idea for a card before making it (which I already did XD).

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