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Lightning the Goddess' Champion


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Lightning the Goddess' Champion

Ultra Rare / Ultimate Rare


"Serah, of the Enemy L'Cie" + 1 or more non-Tuner Warrior monsters
If this card is Synchro Summoned: Special Summon 1 "Eidolon Odin" from your hand, Deck, or Banished Zone in Defense Position. This card is unaffected by other monster effects, except that of "Eidolon Odin". Once per turn: You can reveal 1 card in your hand, then target 1 Set card your opponent controls; reveal that card, and if you do, you can banish your revealed card to banish that Set card until the end of the turn. During your third Standby Phase since this card was Summoned: Banish it.

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Auto-Approval because it's Waifu and a Final Fantasy one to boot xD

@AlienPrinceOTK  allow me some grammar fix (though yours is very good already n.n


If this card is Synchro Summoned: Special Summon 1 "Eidolon Odin" from your hand, Deck, or that is banished. Unaffected by other monsters' effects (except "Eidolon Odin"'s effect). Once per turn: You can reveal 1 card in your hand, then target 1 Set card your opponent controls; reveal that card, and if you do, you can banish your revealed card, and if you do that, banish that Set card until the end of this turn. During your 3rd Standby Phase after this card was Summoned: Banish it.

Y'know, while doing this, I had to double check many of the little fixes, just in case, because I don't like giving false suggestions to people, and dang, it was hard. It happens that, even within post PSCT cards, small changes are made by Konami from booster pack to booster pack, it's annoying. Just yesterday I suggested a person to add "This card" for their "unaffected by X" effect, based on  2019 card, but 2020 cards again remove "this card". What I know for sure, is that you definitely have to avoid saying Banished Zone, such thing does not exists and no card mentions it (it's mostly how we players call it unofficially, but it's not a zone). Even that bit of text is somewhat problematic, because the Summoning includes hand and Deck, so you cannot target the card in all places, which would be ideal to word. "Or that is banished" should be correct, but that includes both player's banished cards, so I guess it's viable to add "banished in your possession". The rest are minor details.

First time (I think)  I see a cosplay-artwork card lol, noice stuff

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14 hours ago, Rayfield Lumina said:

Auto-Approval because it's Waifu and a Final Fantasy one to boot xD

@AlienPrinceOTK  allow me some grammar fix (though yours is very good already n.n

Y'know, while doing this, I had to double check many of the little fixes, just in case, because I don't like giving false suggestions to people, and dang, it was hard. It happens that, even within post PSCT cards, small changes are made by Konami from booster pack to booster pack, it's annoying. Just yesterday I suggested a person to add "This card" for their "unaffected by X" effect, based on  2019 card, but 2020 cards again remove "this card". What I know for sure, is that you definitely have to avoid saying Banished Zone, such thing does not exists and no card mentions it (it's mostly how we players call it unofficially, but it's not a zone). Even that bit of text is somewhat problematic, because the Summoning includes hand and Deck, so you cannot target the card in all places, which would be ideal to word. "Or that is banished" should be correct, but that includes both player's banished cards, so I guess it's viable to add "banished in your possession". The rest are minor details.

First time (I think)  I see a cosplay-artwork card lol, noice stuff

IIRC there is an "among your banished" cards" to indicate an effect taking only cards you own that are banished.


Anyway can't comment on this card properly because IDK what Serah and Eidolon Odin are to fully grasp the traits of this card.

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8 hours ago, Darj said:

IIRC there is an "among your banished" cards" to indicate an effect taking only cards you own that are banished.


Anyway can't comment on this card properly because IDK what Serah and Eidolon Odin are to fully grasp the traits of this card.

This wording sounds good, so I decided to look for examples using EdoPro. I couldn't find a single one with this specific wording, but I found something pretty close in  Thunder Dragon Fusion and Cyberload Fusion. Following these cards' text, then:

Special Summon 1 "Eidolon Odin" from your hand, Deck, or among your banished face-up cards.

Wondering if one could use the "among" earlier, as in "Special Summon 1 "Eidolon Odin" from among your hand, Deck, or your banished face-up cards."

Just saying, probably not.

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Is that so?~

I have vague memories of a Ritual Beast Trap having such wording. Maybe it was errata'd later.

I would write the effect as

"Special Summon 1 "Eidolon Odin" from your hand, Deck, or among your banished face-up cards."


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