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Magicians Arrival


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  • Sakakimann changed the title to Magicians Arrival

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As far my crappy memories goes, the original gazer Magician is very rarely used even on the hay day of Pendulum Magician. So safe to say the gazers kinda sucks and you definitely only run them as garnets  at 1 copy each which is not really a thing...until this card comes around 

Holy molly its a way stronger version of "A Hero lives".  If anything Verte Anaconda teach us so far 2+ garnets are clunky but not impossible tech on meta build, this can be activated while you already combo-ing even fetches from GY, and has no natural HOPT 

Its just insane value as far of garnet type card goes definitely need some sort of balance 

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Actually they do have some use as extenders through the effects of Astrograph and Chronograph Sorcerers, but I forget if both were played or only Stargazer because I don't recall Chronograph being extensively played. OCG keeps it Limited so it most likely did have plenty of use.

Anyway, I agree with above in that this card is concerning since summoning 2 Pendulum monsters is big for laddering and extension plays, and since it grabs the monsters from almost everywhere you have to worry less about the card ending up dead or running more copies of the magicians. Personally I would make it Summon from Deck or hand so you at least have to compromise some Deck space to make the Spell alive. A suggest a "hard OPT" clause (You can only activate 1 "Magician's Arrival" per turn) too to keep it fair.

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