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[WPP2] Dark Magician and Blue-Eyes Support

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These are the cards we should be getting in the Mega Tins, but with that product delayed to October, the OCG are now getting these cards first, not us.


WPP2-JP062 マジシャンズ・サルベーション Magician’s Salvation (Magician Salvation)
You can only activate a card with this card’s name once per turn, and you can only activate the second effect of this card’s name once per turn.
(1) When this card’s activation resolves: You can Set 1 “Eternal Soul” directly from your Deck.
(2) If you Normal or Special Summon a “Dark Magician”(s) or “Dark Magician Girl”(s): You can target 1 of those monsters; Special Summon from the GY 1 “Dark Magician” or “Dark Magician Girl” whose name is different from the target’s.


WPP2-JP063 切り裂かれし闇 Kirisakareshi Yami (Shatter the Darkness)
You can only use each effect of this card’s name once per turn.
(1) If you Normal or Special Summon a non-Token Normal Monster: You can draw 1 card.
(2) When one of the following monsters you control declares an attack and battles an opponent’s monster: Until the end of the turn, the monster gains ATK equal to the ATK of your opponent’s monster.
• A Level 5 or higher Normal Monster
• A Ritual Summoned monster that uses a Normal Monster
• A Fusion, Synchro or Xyz Summoned monster that used a Normal Monster as material.


WPP2-JP065 真の光 Shin no Hikari (The True Light)
You can only use the (1) effect of this card’s name once per turn.
(1) Apply 1 of the following.
• Special Summon 1 “Blue-Eyes White Dragon” from your hand or GY.
• Directly Set to your field from your Deck 1 Spell/Trap that specifically lists the card “Blue-Eyes White Dragon” in its text that has a different name from cards you control and in your GY.
(2) “Blue-Eyes White Dragon” in your Monster Zone cannot be targeted by your opponent’s effects.
(3) If this face-up card in the Spell & Trap Zone is sent to the GY: Destroy all monsters you control.

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  • ~British Soul~ changed the title to [WPP2] Dark Magician and Blue-Eyes Support

Magician's Salvation is amazing, extending the effective copies of Eternal Soul even further, while being summon fodder for Timaeus the Dragon of Destiny and potentially tutoring out a free Dark Magician Girl alongside the numerous ways of getting out Dark Magician (like with Eternal Soul).

Shatter the Darkness looks decent on paper if it can replace itself with the draw, but on the other hand it makes bricking more likely and is not searchable.

The True Light: FINALLY ! Blue-Eyes finally gets its own stone tablet trap like Dark Magician and this card is very similar to Eternal Soul, in that it can tutor out the monster it support, gives protection (although in this case only targeting protection, rather than full-on effect immunity), crashes the own field if removed (although Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon can protect the board against this) and allows steady searching (although it cannot search copies that were already available the searching options are far, far superior to those of Eternal Soul), not to mention that with Bingo Machine, Go!!! the archetype has a general searcher that this card can also search if no copy was available already.

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I find silly when koony prints Spells that depict actions or events, rather than landscapes or regions, as Field spells when Cont. Spell would make more sense. Such is the case of Salvation.

Regardless, looks solid to me.

Shatter the Darkness doesn't look good due to its situational nature, but I'm no expert here. IDK, some decks may like it if Normal monsters are involved in their playstyles.

The True Light looks good, almost as good at the DM's opposite Trap, but that's because they are so similar.

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Hmmmm they did not make it that good.

THIS BAD LEGACY SUPPORT SUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKSSSSSSSSSSSSS! WY TO F***ING GO KONAMI YOU LITTLE BASTARDS I'm not buying the Mega Tins 2021 CAUSE THEY SUCK and Bad Dark Magician and F***ing Trash Bule Eyes Suck Instead of giving them good Support KONAMI ARE MONEY HUNGY BASTARDS thats my Option this is a waste of Money to Spend it on Bad cards they keep getting weaking and more trashier F*** U KONAMI! So guys Don't EVER BUY THE MEGA TINS 2021 THEY SUCK ASS the cards and thier effects arnt even META or Rogue WASTE OF MY F***ing TIME! WAY TO GO KONAMI!

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35 minutes ago, Zefra Zamazenta said:

Hmmmm they did not make it that good.

THIS BAD LEGACY SUPPORT SUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKSSSSSSSSSSSSS! WAY TO F***ING GO KONAMI YOU LITTLE BASTARDS I'm not buying the Mega Tins 2021 CAUSE THEY SUCK and Bad Dark Magician and F***ing Trash Bule Eyes Suck Instead of giving them good Support KONAMI ARE MONEY HUNGY BASTARDS thats my Option this is a waste of Money to Spend it on Bad cards they keep getting weaking and more trashier F*** U KONAMI! So guys Don't EVER BUY THE MEGA TINS 2021 THEY SUCK ASS the cards and their effects aren't even META or Rogue WASTE OF MY F***ing TIME! WAY TO GO KONAMI!

I wasn't even going to buy the tins based on the new shit, but I was going to buy them because of the REPRINTS from last years sets.

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16 minutes ago, Zefra Zamazenta said:

That's how KONAMI gets you, Mega tins 2020 wasnt that good but it was great atmost and 2019 Good Tins

To be fair, the main selling point of the 2020 tins was Dragoon, but beside that it had some good reprints (Extrav, Phantazmay, Mining, etc), so it wasn't as bad as you might think. Of course the 2019 tins had the promos which were all great cards in their own right. The 2021 tins however should have some good reprints and there is alot of good (and Expensive stuff) from last year's sets that'll be solid value between the Dogmatika stuff, TTT, Zeus among others.

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Like Zamazenta, I'm not really buying these tins either, but unlike Zamazenta my reason has to do with not wanting to feed into the "no promos" model Konami has going on. Also the tins being smaller means they are somewhat shitty storage.

I do dig this support though....

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3 hours ago, The Warden said:

I thought the same thing too. Though Suships really need more than Shatter the Darkness to be playable though.

Of course, though to be fair, Suships are merely a casual deck anyway ven when they do gain some semblance of playability.

7 hours ago, Zefra Zamazenta said:

Yeah it's petty decent I wish the Draw eff was a Draw 2 instead of a Draw 1

I think Draw 1 is perfectly balanced for it though.

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21 hours ago, ~British Soul~ said:

Of course, though to be fair, Suships are merely a casual deck anyway ven when they do gain some semblance of playability.

I think Draw 1 is perfectly balanced for it though.

Suships honestly just need a card that can be treated as Rice Suship and also one more topping monster to excel I reckon.

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