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Embodiment of the Brave [Written]


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Embodiment of the Brave
lv 4 EARTH
Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. You can only use the following effects of "Embodiment of the Brave" once per turn.
* If this card is Special Summoned: Target 1 card your opponent controls; destroy all cards your opponent controls in the same column as the targeted card, also, if you control a "Brave Token", your opponent cannot activate cards or effects in responce to the activation of this effect.
* While you control no "Brave Tokens" (Quick Effect): You can discard this card from your hand; Special Summon 1 “Brave Token” (Fairy/EARTH/Level 4/ATK 2000/DEF 2000), then, set 1 Trap Card that list "Brave Token" in its text directly from your Deck, also, you can activate that card during the turn it was set.
ATK/2500 DEF/2000

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2 minutes ago, Tinkerer said:

I get that the deck needs another way to get a token on the board, but I'm just curious how you see this card fitting into the archetype's lore.

Alot of the art seems to have the token as a off screen character where this card could represent a physical version of it. Specially if the token is like a Isekai'ed spirit with the Fairy Typing.

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1 hour ago, Thomas★Zero said:

Alot of the art seems to have the token as a off screen character where this card could represent a physical version of it. Specially if the token is like a Isekai'ed spirit with the Fairy Typing.

Presumably, the token is supposed to represent a self-insert of yourself as a character within the story (at least that's how I interpreted it).

I guess it just seems odd to see a card with a physical representation of the token, especially since you'd be able to use this card’s effect to get itself + the token on the field at the same time.

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IMO it is too soon to make support for an archetype that was just revealed and most likely will get further support judging from some of the arts. Not a fan of the discard effect, it feels cheap: not only it replaces itself with their much-needed Brave Token, also it gives you a Trap as bonus. It is just too convenient. The other effect is practically icing on cake, and thankfully it needs assistance to be Special Summoned, otherwise it would be pushing it. Funnily enough, it is searchable by ROTA. At least it is not Beast-Warrior or Dinosaur.

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