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Beta Card Maker Realism Patch

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Now, I think it's no secret that I am not terribly fond of YCMaker's management style, but credit where it's due, the new card maker is of extremely high quality. It even outputs higher resolution than TCGeditor, which I didn't expect to ever see happen. So seriously, good job YCMaker.

Of course, it does have a major issue that I know myself to not be the only one annoyed by, and that is the site advertisement at the bottom of every generated card. Luckily, I whipped something up to take care of that, for both low and high resolution generated cards. I'll call it adblock. I won't respond to inquiries within this thread, but if anyone needs assistance with them, I can be reached via DM. If this thread is deleted, you can get the images from me that way, too. If I am banned, I can be found on the other forum. Happy card making, pals.

Images are encased in a spoiler to save space.




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Should probably clear this up here since YCMaker addressed this point in the beta thread. He said, and I quote:


I will be providing an option to remove the "created at cardmaker.net" text at the bottom, for logged-in members.

...Given this is something that he's going to implement, I'd hope that your "adblock" won't be taken the wrong way. The end result (current beta + your adblock) will likely look the similar to the final, polished cardmaker, so it'd be pretty odd to shut this down.

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