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Nyx's Card Contest

The Nyx Avatar

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Don't mind this video. It's just for background music to set the tone, or something like that.

READ before submitting any card


SO...what is the criteria for this contest? What card should be designed? Well, a card that pleases me! I URGE you guys to ask me what I like in Yugioh cards. Some of you might already have an idea of what I like in Yugioh cards. But for those who don't know or faintly know, ask away! Take the opportunity to ask in this thread after requesting you want to participate, so everyone has a good chance of making an ideal card. Don't just make a Dragon Xyz with 9999 ATK and DEF for example.

No entry requirements necessary. Just a minimum of three users participating to get the contest going. It's not much of a contest if there's only one or two users.


Deadline will not go into effect until this thread gets at least three participants. If this thread fails to get at least three after a great amount of time, I'll just lock this thread.


Deadline will be August 14 12:00 p.m. CDT


So...is there anything I can offer to the victor(s)? Well, we were made aware that Points exist. But without anything to do with them aside from donation, they're nothing more than pointless right now. So I'm not going to be donating those as a prize. 

Here is what I have to offer users as a prize: Header Images.

Now, everyone has a space for a header image. But right now, most users can't change it. So as a prize, I will offer to change it.


1st place: Any image of your choice! Well, provided I approve of it. Content that is NSFW would be denied, for example.

2nd place: You get to choose between a cool, cute, or attractive image for your Header Image. But...not quite the image itself.

3rd place: I'll just offer an image for your Header Image.

If you don't like the Header Image, you can request I remove it.


How will your card submission be judged? It will be judged on an out of 10 scale. This scale depends on these factors:

5: Practicality

It doesn't matter how flavorful or cool-looking aesthetically your card is...if it's not something that people would want to use in real life. Now I'm not saying to make a broken card. But just something that is attractive from a practical gameplay standpoint. Which, brings me to my next Point criteria

3: Balance

Your card should be at least somewhat realistic, and not something that would be on a banlist within a month. So don't go and make a Dragon or Super Saiyan with high ATK, a blanket of protection, and an instant win condition effect. You will not yield a single one of these 3 points if you do something like this.

1: OCG

Is your card written properly? If you are unsure, ask another user who has experience on the card game. Or look it up. Proper wording yields half the point, and proper spelling yields the other half. The only exception is the card name. For example, if the card is named "Phantastic Girl", or "Synchkuro Drago", I can write it off as wordplay for the monster's name. But if it's name is reprised in the card effect, it must be spelled the same as well.

1: Art

Art's not absolutely necessary, unless you want to aim for a perfect score. Half of this point will depend on whether or not I like the art. The other half will depend on how clear it is. It doesn't matter how majestic your dragon or how cool your demon lady is if it's one of the crustiest jpegs I've seen in a while, or has visible garbage area.



Anything else? Yes. Don't submit cards that you've already posted elsewhere. If I find a card, that you posted in a different thread submitted here, I will give you chance to post a real submission. Else, you risk disqualification.

Also, don't be lazy and repost an already existing card under a new name. Like copying Revival Jam's effect, but using a different Type, Attribute, name, and art. The only time it's permitted to use the exact same effect is if real life cards have done it multiple times, like Rainbow Flower and Jinzo #7, or Lancer Dragonute and Dark Driceratops. But...I urge you not to. As those would make for boring submissions.

Also, don't post in this thread if you're not participating in the contest, or considering joining. I will do what I see fit with your replies if you aren't participating at all. My only exception is if you have any questions before you'd want to join. If you have a genuine question, you are free to ask that here.

Well, with all that said, let us begin.

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35 minutes ago, Darj said:

I'm in.

Welcome aboard.


38 minutes ago, Darj said:

What do you like in YGO cards?

I'm glad you asked.

Likes: Occult. I LOVE occult themes. Demons, angels, cults, religions, mythical creatures/beings, eldritch abominations, fairy tales (maybe), witches, magic, and god knows what else.

LIGHT is my favorite Attribute. DARK's a close second though.

Banishing. I love it when cards play around with banished cards. Necroface, Golden Castle of Stromberg, Eater of Millions, Gren Maju Da Eiza, Ritual Beast, Orcust. Also my favorite removal , given how ineffective destruction's become.

Fiend is my favorite Type, but you're more than free to use a variety of Types if they have a good theme (Invoked monsters were very different, but still stuck to a theme with Aleister).

Synchro. It is my favorite Extra Deck monster.

Ladies/girls. I dunno how to elaborate.

Archetypes I like: Fabled (Their name roughly translates to Demon Roar God, and they have mythical creatures), Valkyrie (beautiful armor-clad ladies riding upon pegasi, Infernoid (Hellish robots. And that blue hue is cool), Fairy Tail (adorable take on these fairy tale girls and ladies), Golden Castle of Stromberg (German, fairy tales), Orcust (alludes to Christianity), Dogmatika (the closest we have to an archetype of crusaders), Ritual Beast (pretty cards that banish), Ghostrick (spooky cute; just a damn shame they don't have more self-Summoning), Destiny HERO (my favorite HERO; practical, and give off the anti-hero vibe), Evil HERO (second favorite, and they're Fiends), Chaos (favorite Attributes; and some banishing), Fortune Lady (beautiful, occult, banish), Gishki (occult), Entity (H.P Lovecraft), Gravekeeper (give a big "Fuck you" to Grave-happy cards), Invoked (occult and good Fusion Spell), Prediction Princess (occult ladies), Reptilianne (cool snake ladies), Toon (silly, but dark), Witchcrafter (pretty occult).

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12 minutes ago, Dokutah Jolly said:

Since Darj already ask the big question, ill ask a lil bit fringed one:

Assume you have also like the same theme in other IPs. Whats is your other favorite IPs (anime, manga,movie, etc)

What do you mean? Franchises and series I like? Like Hellsing, Bleach, and Persona?

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10 hours ago, Dokutah Jolly said:

Oh oh im also joining btw


Now, while we've already got over three accounts wanting to join, I'll still leave this open to participation for a few days. Maybe another regular or two would be interested. Anywho:

10 hours ago, Dokutah Jolly said:


What franchise do you like?

Well, aside from Yugioh, I like Pokemon (But be weary! I am VERY picky when it comes to this franchise), Digimon (also pretty picky) Bleach, Persona, Hellsing, Berserk, Dark Souls, Spider-Man, Resident Evil (the games, not that shitty live action series of movies), Kirby, Castlevania, Metroid, Megaman (mostly X), Sonic, Mario, Blasphemous, Animal Crossing, and Overwatch.

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Alright late to the party, i am in!

Hmm people already ask what i wanted to, so lemme break and reverse the question, "What you hate about YGO in general?", this can be applied to a new game mechanics, effects, or just hate some cards/decks/archetype.

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12 minutes ago, Erika Mishima said:

Alright late to the party, i am in!

Eyy! Another regular!

13 minutes ago, Erika Mishima said:

Hmm people already ask what i wanted to, so lemme break and reverse the question, "What you hate about YGO in general?", this can be applied to a new game mechanics, effects, or just hate some cards/decks/archetype.

Well, it's a good thing you asked.

What I hate in general in Yugioh:

Silly stuff. I'm VERY picky. I'll give Toon cards a pass, but not Performapal. And I'll give Toadally Awesome a pass on that name, because it's just the one card, and I thought it was kind of amusing. But not Fur Hire. Dumb deviation from Skyfang Brigade to me, and I hated how it listed the archetype name in the text.

FIRE. It's my least favorite Attribute. Not to say there isn't FIRE stuff I don't like. I love Infernoid. And there's select FIRE cards I like such as Fire Princess and the aforementioned Gren Maju. But there's next to no archetypes I like that are FIRE. I also detest when one of an archetype's main selling point in aesthetic is flames. Be it Flamvell, Flame Noble Knight, Brotherhood of the Fire Fist, Fire King, Hazy Flame, Shiranui, Salamangreat. You get the idea.

Fusion monsters that depend of Polymerization. Either have a good Fusion Spell card of your own or Contact Fusion. Otherwise, I am wasting Deck space trying to Fusion Summon you.

Grave-happy archetypes. Sure, I like Fabled and Orcust. But I hate Burning Abyss and Shaddoll. Any archetpe whose main gimmick is "If this card is sent to the GY". This goes back to what I said about destruction.

Archetypes that depend on one monster. Sure, there's some archetypes I like that have a big, bad ace. But I hate how overdependent some of these get.

Archetypes I dislike: Burning Abyss and Shaddoll ("If this card is sent to the GY"), Fur Hire (That name's dumb, and so is their wording in the text), Flamvell, Flame Noble Knight, Brotherhood of the Fire Fist, Fire King, Hazy Flame, Shiranui, Salamangreat (Put out the flame. I'm not impressed.), Performapal (too silly-looking)

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Sinner of Lore


level 5


Cannot be special summoned except by Tributing 2 monsters you control. Unaffected by card effects except its own and effects that can modify ATK. At the start of your opponent's standby phase; declare 1 name; your opponent reveals their hand and all set cards they control, banish all copies of cards with the declared name (face-up) among the revealed cards, if you do this card gains 800 ATK and DEF for each card banished by this effect. At the end of your turn this card loses 2400 ATK or tribute a monster you control instead. If this card has 0 ATK: destroy it.


Flavor Text:

Gluttony, greed, lust, envy, wrath? Almost any sin will be committed for the sake of knowledge no matter the cost.

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What would you prefer, an entirely original card that supports types, Attributes, or strategies generically without being part of an archetype, or an archetypal card of an already existing archetype who's main function is to help a powercrept arch to become more relevant?

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1 hour ago, Rayfield Lumina said:

What would you prefer, an entirely original card that supports types, Attributes, or strategies generically without being part of an archetype, or an archetypal card of an already existing archetype who's main function is to help a powercrept arch to become more relevant?

I think an entirely original card would be the best course of action. Sure, you could submit a card that supports an archetype I like that I listed. But it's only best to do that when you're confident it will help the archetype and still remain faithful.

Regardless, I know anything you submit is miles better than the lazy trite from the previous two posts.

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Sounds interesting. Can I negotiate the prize though? I can already edit the header myself but I've been in need for somebody that can vectorize one of the seals of approval I posted at my club a couple days ago.

If that's a no go, I'd still like to enter the contest for the fun of it though. I'll read the posts about your tastes in cards here once I'm out of work.

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2 hours ago, The Nyx Avatar said:

I think an entirely original card would be the best course of action. Sure, you could submit a card that supports an archetype I like that I listed. But it's only best to do that when you're confident it will help the archetype and still remain faithful.

Regardless, I know anything you submit is miles better than the lazy trite from the previous two posts.

Thanks for not including me in that

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16 minutes ago, Sleepy said:

Sounds interesting. Can I negotiate the prize though? I can already edit the header myself but I've been in need for somebody that can vectorize one of the seals of approval I posted at my club a couple days ago.

If that's a no go, I'd still like to enter the contest for the fun of it though. I'll read the posts about your tastes in cards here once I'm out of work.

I guess I could do that. I've kept Adobe Illustrator on auto renewal for...no good reason, honestly. Maybe now I'll put it to use.

Just now, ITSUKOSOADO said:

Thanks for not including me in that


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Just now, ITSUKOSOADO said:

"Regardless, I know anything you submit is miles better than the lazy trite from the previous two posts."

I wasn't one of the 2 previous post in that case thanks for not calling my work lazy

No problem! I know you put thought and effort into your submission. Even alluding to traits I listed.

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Time to use the newly beta cardmaker~


Charybdis, Devourer of the Seas

WATER/Level 8


Pendulum Effects: You can discard 1 card; either activate 1 "Umi" or Set 1 Spell/Trap that list "Umi" in its text from your Deck to your field. You can only use this effect of "Charybdis, Devourer of the Seas" once per turn. If a monster is Special Summoned while "Umi" is face-up on the field: You can either remove 2 Whirlpool Counters on this card, banish both this card and the Special Summoned monster, or, place 1 Whirlpool Counter on this card (max. 2).

Monster Text: Woe to the unwary, omen of the rough seas. What lies beneath the vast blue? Unimaginable truth within the deepest ocean. Only those, foolish enough, shall face the fate of her judgment, swallow everything within the grasp of the watery grave.


So as a design note, from the name, it’s already self-explanatory, based on the Greek deity with the same name, Charybdis, daughter of Poseidon. Second name/title is taken due to her act angered Zeus, thus transforming her into a monster that eternally swallow the sea (Devourer of the Seas). As of card text, the first effect is a “lore into effect” thingy, where her father, Poseidon, is in a feud with Zeus, a way to help her father is by engulfing lands and islands in water (activate “Umi” or its S/T directly from Deck). Able to banish something and her own self, referring to her being a deity/monster that is the source of a whirlpool, whichever trapped, will be swallowed (banish something), whilst whirlpool in itself also doesn’t stay forever (banish herself/hide into the deep sea). 2 counters placed on her are further explained as such:

> Whirlpool doesn’t always kill/swallow something, it’s a small spin at the start, and then starts growing (needing 2 counters, how long for a whirlpool to grow larger and able swallow things eventually). Also it’s not immediate mandatory banish as the effect (optional banish instead), due to the nature of a whirlpool, the “unlucky” will be swallowed, whilst the “lucky” will be saved, as if the Charybdis herself choose her prey.

> 2 on the number of counters here refer to her being foretold famously throughout 2 myths, “Odyssey” and “Jason and the Argonauts”. This also further shown by the card’s art, she has sigil(s) around her body, reflecting how many counter(s) she had (1 sigil for 1 counter, 2 sigils for 2 counters and no sigil for if no counter). Number 2 here also refer to the famous saying with her sister, “to be between Scylla and Charybdis”, a meaning in which will be presented with two opposite dangers, as they both hides under the rock in the Strait of Messina.

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8 hours ago, Erika Mishima said:

Time to use the newly beta cardmaker~


  Reveal hidden contents



Charybdis, Devourer of the Seas

WATER/Level 8


Pendulum Effects: You can discard 1 card; either activate 1 "Umi" or Set 1 Spell/Trap that list "Umi" in its text from your Deck to your field. You can only use this effect of "Charybdis, Devourer of the Seas" once per turn. If a monster is Special Summoned while "Umi" is face-up on the field: You can either remove 2 Whirlpool Counters on this card, banish both this card and the Special Summoned monster, or, place 1 Whirlpool Counter on this card (max. 2).

Monster Text: Woe to the unwary, omen of the rough seas. What lies beneath the vast blue? Unimaginable truth within the deepest ocean. Only those, foolish enough, shall face the fate of her judgment, swallow everything within the grasp of the watery grave.


So as a design note, from the name, it’s already self-explanatory, based on the Greek deity with the same name, Charybdis, daughter of Poseidon. Second name/title is taken due to her act angered Zeus, thus transforming her into a monster that eternally swallow the sea (Devourer of the Seas). As of card text, the first effect is a “lore into effect” thingy, where her father, Poseidon, is in a feud with Zeus, a way to help her father is by engulfing lands and islands in water (activate “Umi” or its S/T directly from Deck). Able to banish something and her own self, referring to her being a deity/monster that is the source of a whirlpool, whichever trapped, will be swallowed (banish something), whilst whirlpool in itself also doesn’t stay forever (banish herself/hide into the deep sea). 2 counters placed on her are further explained as such:

> Whirlpool doesn’t always kill/swallow something, it’s a small spin at the start, and then starts growing (needing 2 counters, how long for a whirlpool to grow larger and able swallow things eventually). Also it’s not immediate mandatory banish as the effect (optional banish instead), due to the nature of a whirlpool, the “unlucky” will be swallowed, whilst the “lucky” will be saved, as if the Charybdis herself choose her prey.

> 2 on the number of counters here refer to her being foretold famously throughout 2 myths, “Odyssey” and “Jason and the Argonauts”. This also further shown by the card’s art, she has sigil(s) around her body, reflecting how many counter(s) she had (1 sigil for 1 counter, 2 sigils for 2 counters and no sigil for if no counter). Number 2 here also refer to the famous saying with her sister, “to be between Scylla and Charybdis”, a meaning in which will be presented with two opposite dangers, as they both hides under the rock in the Strait of Messina.



gg animate, useful, great lore... this is amazing

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