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Erm yeah, Neo-Spacian Deck, that actually has Space Gifts in it


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Monsters: 21

[3] Elemental Hero Neos

[3] Neo-Spacian Air Hummingbird

[3] Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphin

[3] Chrysalis Chicky

[3] Chrysalis Dolphin

[2] Neo-Spacian Flame Scarab

[2] Chrysalis Larva

[1] Chrysalis Mole

[1] Neo-Spacian Ground Mole


Spells: 19

[3] Space Gift

[3] Convert Contact

[3] Cocoon Party

[2] Cocoon Rebirth

[2] Card of Safe Return

[2] Lightning Vortex

[1] Heavy Storm

[1] Mystical Space Typhoon

[1] Monster Reborn

[1] Premature Burial


[1] Mirror Force

[1] Torrential Tribute


[3] Elemental Hero Storm Neos

[2] Elemental Hero Magma Neos


Question, is this deck any good? Cause I just came up with it, so yeah......

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how are you gonna summon magma neos you don't even have flare scarab in the deck


+flare scarab

+some traps like mirror force' date=' solemn judgment



Oh yeah, forgot about Scarab


How about, -2 Hand Destruction, +1 Mirror Force, +1 Torrential Tribute?


EDIT: Took out 1 Cocoon Rebirth and CoSR and 2 Hand Destruciotns, added 2 Flame Scarabs, Mirror Force and Torrential, this is the form it's going to stay until I play test it and see what the problems are...

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firstly no prisma, tut tut tut, also i believe that most torny decks in this format should run either solemn or bribe.


secondly maybe turbo Chrysalis/ spacian return? since its similar to the deck you are showing


1| Dark Magician of Chaos

2| Ancient Gear Beast


3| Neo-Spacian Dark Panther

3| Neo-Spacian Air Hummingbird

1| Neo-Spacian Ground Mole

1| Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphin

3| Chrysalis Mole

2| Chrysalis Pantail

3| Chrysalis Chicky

1| Rescue Cat


3| Space Gift

2| Foolish Burial

1| Monster Reborn

1| Heavy Storm

2| Cocoon Rebirth

3| Cocoon Party

1| Fissure

1| Smashing Ground

2| Lightning Vortex

2| Card Of Safe Return


3| Solemn Judgment or dark bribe

1| Torrential Tribute

1| Mirror Force

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I'd say you need at least 2 E-Hero Neos Alius' to make getting the fusions out easier. Also, a Fake Hero or 2 couldn't hurt, plus a Solemn Judgment. Plus, you should throw in at least 1 of each individual fusion just in case.


So, my recommendations:

+2 EH Neos Alius

+1 Fake Hero

+2 Solemn Judgment

+2 Neo Space or Instant Neo Space

+1 of each Fusion with the 4 Neo-Spacians


-1 Space Gift

-1 Convert Contact

-1 Cocoon Party

-1 Lightning Vortex

-1 EH Neos

-1 Chrysalis Chicky

-1 NS AH


I'm not a deck expert, though, so my recommendations may not actually help :P

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