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Bakura Vessal

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your welcome its always nice to see a haruhi fan.


also revenge i wont change it because i want it so that we can all remember them when we are older members and look at think "hey i remember when i requested that card man it brings back memorys"


so if i changed it every time someone got a name change i have just delited all memorys of what you were in the past and they would get lost in the facis of time never to be seen again.


dats my reason.

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Hey, my effect should be written: "Take control of a monster that destroys this card in battle at the end of the Battle Phase." I love it by the way! Why am I a Time Traveler-Type monster though (what's the reasoning behind it?) And one last request, can I be Ultra Rare? X3

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Hey' date=' my effect should be written: "Take control of a monster that destroys this card in battle at the end of the Battle Phase." I love it by the way! Why am I a Time Traveler-Type monster though (what's the reasoning behind it?) And one last request, can I be Ultra Rare? X3



because the girl from the anime is a time traverler so i thought it would fit (other wise i would have to think of a type more)


also its simple which ever monster destroyes it you gain control of that monster i just have bad grammer sorry.

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