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Cannibal Dragon


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Cannibal Dragon





Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Can only be Special Summoned by Tributing 2 face-up Dragon monsters you control. The ATK/DEF of this card becomes equal to total Level of the Tribubuted monsters ×200. When this card battles a Dragon monster: It gains ATK equal to that monster's Level ×100. If this card destroys a Dragon monster by battle; it can declare another attack.

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It says Tribubuted xD. Some tiny fixes:


Cannot be Normal/Summoned/Set. Must be Special Summoned by Tributing 2 face-up Dragon monsters you control. The ATK/DEF of this card becomes the combined original Level of the Tributed monsters x200. At the start of the Damage Step, if this card battles a face-up Dragon monster: this card gains ATK equal to the level of that monster x100.  If this card destroys a Dragon monster by battle, it can make a second attack in a row.

Mmm... the card is lacking a bit in PWR. It can make use of the typically high levelled Dragon monsters to do its thing, for instance, in BEWD or REBD Decks, where it could easily reach the field with 3200 ATK. The second effect is nicely flavourful, but 100% dependant on the opponent's Deck, unless you pulled control swapping shenanigans, which the card do not warrant, I'm afraid. If you think about it, it's a conditioned 2 Tribute-monster that will be hardly stronger than a BEWD, and with a second effect that will be dead most of the time. My conclusion is, it warrants another nice effect (perhaps a protective one, because this guys is frail) to make it more viable 😄

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3 minutes ago, Horu said:

Actually intended this for a character. The problem is that when we get around to those monster types that can possibly take on a humanoid form. 😳

Holy moly, that's crazy xD. Welp, humanoid or not, it needs a bit of a boost. I just thought of something else that could work, and it's veeeery simple: Make the multiplier 250. Two BEWDs Tributed = 4000 ATK. At the very least you get reliably a good beatstick to play around. Even if you lose technically 6000 ATK from the BEWDs, you win something that's much harder to take down by attacks, and with this boost it could even warrant that control swapping shenaningans I talked about before 😈

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I will definitely look into that. Then again it does gain that Lv×100 boost if your opponent happens to have dragons out anyway. The general idea is for these cards to be pretty much be boss cards that you can drop with 2 tributes and they are cannibals so they eat monsters of their own type.

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6 hours ago, Rayfield Lumina said:

It says Tribubuted xD. Some tiny fixes:

Mmm... the card is lacking a bit in PWR. It can make use of the typically high levelled Dragon monsters to do its thing, for instance, in BEWD or REBD Decks, where it could easily reach the field with 3200 ATK. The second effect is nicely flavourful, but 100% dependant on the opponent's Deck, unless you pulled control swapping shenanigans, which the card do not warrant, I'm afraid. If you think about it, it's a conditioned 2 Tribute-monster that will be hardly stronger than a BEWD, and with a second effect that will be dead most of the time. My conclusion is, it warrants another nice effect (perhaps a protective one, because this guys is frail) to make it more viable 😄

Just combine Mecha Phantom Beasts with DNA Surgery, then it can hit the field with a ridiculous amount of ATK since they don't stop at 12.

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3 minutes ago, TheWanderingMist said:

Just combine Mecha Phantom Beasts with DNA Surgery, then it can hit the field with a ridiculous amount of ATK since they don't stop at 12.

Feels like too much set up for a card that has no protection at all , has a relatively steep cost to summon and would require cards that are uncommon in Dragon Decks... but I admit you're onto something.

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