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Mosaic Monarchs!

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This might need some explaining, but read the post first.


Monsters - 22

3x Caius

1x Raiza

3x Thessy

1x Mobius

1x Zaborg

3x Mosaic Manticore

3x GK Spy

3x Dekoichi

1x Treeborn

3x Jujitsu Master


Spells - 14

3x Soul Exchange

1x Brain Control

1x Prem

1x Reborn

2x Trade-In

2x Cup of Ace

3x Double Summon


Traps - 4

1x Mirror Force

3x Solemn



Right. The strategy of this deck is to bring out mosaic manticore, and have the monsters ready for tribute next turn, creating a lot of advantage.



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OK' date=' you don't even really need the Zaborgs at all, let alone 3. At least do this.


-2 Zaborg

+1 Thestalos

+1 Mobius


You need 3 Thestalos in every Monarhh deck, and Mobius has become very useful of late due to the Number of Not-so-chainable traps of late such as [b']Return[/b].


Return is chainable people jus choose not to

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