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"Print Size" option

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I'm not sure if other people will back this, but I think there needs to be a tickable box to make the card maker create print-size images that match up to real size cards. If you re-size the image after it's been made, the text blurs to almost illegible state, especially on longwinded cards with lots of special rules.

So we need an option that lessens size but keeps text clear.


Now, everyone would love to print off some of their original cards to use them in friendly duels, so this option would rock for that.

I can however understand people not wanting to be bothered by idiots thinking they can use those cards for real duels.



What say you, forum?

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Yeah, same here. You could easily just resize it on microsoft word. Also on YCM, it would be more difficult to read the posted card's, it would have to be printed to be read, and then people would get angry because of there ink and paper being wasted, just to see one or two card's, that are either real or there creation. So it's better for them to be big, when your looking online.

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Yeah' date=' same here. You could easily just resize it on microsoft word. Also on YCM, it would be more difficult to read the posted card's, it would have to be printed to be read, and then people would get angry because of there ink and paper being wasted, just to see one or two card's, that are either real or there creation. So it's better for them to be big, when your looking online.



nono, it'd be a tickable box. So you can share the nice big regular size here, and print out your tiny one for yourself.

Basically i'm just asking that it resize the image THEN add text so that it's clearer.

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