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Thanks to the mods for removing the outdated archived post 🙂. I've updated the cards I designed to support Spellbook/Prophecy with more accurate effects and better PSCT, your feedback is very welcome!




So I've called this card "Spellbook Master of Prophecy" as she's intended to be the Spellcaster who Spellbook of the Master belongs to. She's WATER attribute as this matches Spellbook Magician of Prophecy and in the lore she's meant to be his senior. I've made her Level 5 as I want her Ritual Summon to be designed to make use of high level Spellcaster monsters specifically and I also want her to support making Empress of Prophecy more easily. Her ATK and DEF are 2000 and 1200 respectively, mimicking The Tricky as the stats of the monsters within the Prophecy archetype often are the same as the stats of some of Yugi's key monsters, this is also why she's Level 5.


Her effect contains clauses to prevent some looping using the Ritual Spell below (cannot use a copy of her you control to summon another from the GY), and also contains HOPT clauses. She functions as a recruiter in hand to summon out a Level 3 "Prophecy" monster from the Deck which will be one of Temperance of Prophecy, Justice of Prophecy or Fool of Prophecy, and locks the player into Spellcasters for the rest of the turn to avoid being too splashable. She can't summon other Levels of "Prophecy" monsters due to the mix up between how the archetype was translated to English - "Mythical Beast" are called "Magical Beast" and overlap with "Prophecy" which are called "Magical" in the OCG. Her effect when Ritual Summoned is simply a slightly stronger version of Spellbook Magician of Prophecy's effect by allowing the player to also add back from the GY which helps retrieve Spellbooks played in low numbers like Spellbook of Eternity and The Grand Spellbook Tower.





This is the Ritual Spell of the archetype. I've called it "Spellbook Evocation" in relation to Invocation and the role Aleister the Invoker plays in Spellbook lore. The card is Spellcaster specific like many of the other Spellbook cards. It works in the same way as a regular Ritual Spell in terms of tributing Spellcaster monsters, but also allows the player to reach the required level of the Ritual Monster attempting to be summoned by banishing Spellbook Spells from their GY as well. This makes it a good last ditch and top deck in a pinch if a Spellcaster Ritual Monster is in the GY and there're enough Spellbook Spells in the GY. It also makes Prophecy Destroyer a more useful card and gives any deck playing it something to do with dead drawn high-level Spellcaster monsters. The second effect is there to help with going second since Spellbooks struggle a lot when going second.




In lore, this is the location Spellbook Master of Prophecy resides in. The first effect simply allows the player to send a Spellbook to the GY, often times this is either the next card I'm about to show or a Spellbook Library Spell. This effect helps the Deck meet the conditions of many different Prophecy monsters like Fool of ProphecyReaper of Prophecy and World of Prophecy more easily. The second effect helps greatly with going second by either forcing out an interruption or preventing a negation. The clause of the opponent controlling at least as many cards prevents it from being overbearing and gives a way to play around it. The final clause is there to keep it in theme with the other Spellbook Library Spells (Crescent and Heliosphere) which restrict the player and to prevent the card from being splashable as the Spellbook Libraries are only ever played in Prophecy decks specifically.




This is basically Spellbook of Wisdom but balanced for protecting against Monsters instead of Spell/Traps. It was too powerful to make the target unaffected by all Monster effects until the end of the turn, so instead it only protects against Monster effects activated before this card in the chain. For that downgrade, it can also target "Spellbook" cards and has a second effect which functions the same as Salamangreat Balelynx, though it can't be used the same turn it's sent to the GY for balance.


These cards are available on DuelingBook as well if anyone wants to give them a try. I'll be posting another thread on Pendulum Spellbooks which will have 4 cards designed to support several existing Spellcaster archetypes 😃

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