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Legend Lore Architypes (First time posting)


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First time posting ideas of cards and an archetype, all images are not mine at all.

I was thinking about an antimeta deck that is meta playable (bruh).

If you're free to help, pls rate how good/bad effect design or how op these are

Thank for everyone's future efforts

Legend Lore Baptfet(1).png

Legend Lore Bipoapex (1).png

Legend Lore Black Arms (2).png

Legend Lore Celest (1).png

Legend Lore Cephal (2).png

Legend Lore Entity Land (1).png

Legend Lore Homosteo (2).png

Legend Lore Immergence (1).png

Legend Lore Lair Ground (1).png

Legend Lore Michedelic(1).png

Legend Lore Mythology (1).png

Legend Lore of Passive Glare (2).png

Legend Lore Primodial (1).png

Legend Lore Salvation (1).png

Legend Lore the Whole (2).png

Legend Lore Umbrax (1).png

Legend Lore Unknown (1).png

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Really like the idea of the effects of being able to do certain actions even if unable to. I also think forcing the opponent to negate certain cards is very cool. However I find that some cards. However I find some cards to be a bit more problematic than helpful (Celest negating the Draw Phase is probably the biggest example). Plus other cards being way too strong, Unknown only needs 1 Legend Lore monster and it can allow for 3 cards to be drawn during the Draw Phase. (Celest and Unknown completely counteract each other as well.) Primodial is most likely the best card as it gives the legend lore cards to your opponent that prevent certain actions. Overall really fun idea for an archetype.

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