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[Written] Ironforest | equip spell experiment?


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Continuous Spell

You can activate Equip Spell card without targeting and equipping it to a monster. Whenever you activate Equip Spell card, it gain the following effects.

● While you control "Ironforest", this card remain on the field even either equipped monster removed from the field or while is not equipped to monster. Once per turn, you can either: Target monster on the field; equip this card to that target, OR: Unequip this card.

Hmmm idk, you can say this is a prototype, there not much merit having yugioh equipment act like MTG artifact unless the equip is worth protecting in first place. Maybe in later iteration of this card (or maybe even my new archetype?) i probably add more interaction/gimmicks like having the equip gain an accumulative effects the longer it stay on the field

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Lemme try something n.n



You can activate Equip Spell Cards without targeting and equipping it to a monster. Each time you activate an Equip Spell Card, it gains the following effect.
● While you control "Ironforest", this card does not leave the field even if it's not equipped to a monster, or if the monster equipped with this card leaves the field. Once per turn, you can either: Target 1 monster on the field; equip this card to that target, OR: Unequip this card.
● The first time this card would leave the field by your opponent's card effects each turn, this card doesn't leave the field. 
● Once per turn, during your Standby Phase: Place 1 Iron Counter on this card. A monster equipped with this card gains 500 ATK/DEF while this card has 1+ Iron Counters, can't have its effects negated while this card has 2+ Iron Counters, and is unaffected by your opponent's card effects while this card has 3+ Iron Counters. 

Just an idea, @Dokutah Jolly Strengthening with a defensive effect so it's harder for your opponent to get rid of the card as it is building pawaa :)

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