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DL's Ultimate Survival Contest


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Hello YCM members. This is my first card contest. Its pretty big.


Heres how it works:

I will serve as the judge. First you need to sign up. I need a minimum of 10 or a maximum of 20. You will each be put into two teams. Team 1 and Team 2. Once you've been put in teams, the person with the highest posts serves as the leader of that team. All decisions are made by them. Ok, each week I will ask you to make a certain set of cards (8 or 6 weeks). Each member will make one each. I suggest you pm your team mates to discuss this. After making the sets, I will rate along with two other judges. (Please sign up for a judge if you wish). The team with the highest rating all get 1 point, donated by me. The losing team will suffer. The captain will need to deside who to vote off. However, if we think the captian made the worst job, then they are eliminated. If 10 people have signed up one person is voted off. If 20 have, then its two. So if their are 20 people, the captian selects two people. Capains will be shifted each task. So everyone gets to be the captain. I will tell you who when the time comes. When thier are four people left, they must all make a card. The best one wins. The second best comes 2nd place and so on.



Not great but it will show who the true card maker is.

1st=3 Rep

2nd=2 Rep

3rd=1 Rep


Team 1:

Chaos Impact

DX Games


Team 2:





End date: Not sure, depends how quick I get members. So i'll just say 8 weeks (MAX).


So you can either sign up as a contestant or judge.

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