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Harpies > Zombies

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So there's this guy on this other forum and he thinks Harpies are faster than Zombies, and he was saying how Harpies are synergistic with their Field Spell and Elegant Egotist. Seriously, is this guy on crack or what?


Here's his original quote; he plays Harpies.

I make many Zombie decks look like they're standing still. :P D-Mon should be faster than zombie with D-draw and stuff.

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Harpies are fast, but their speed is nothing like that of the Zombies. Ok, so you can Summon Harpies with Elegant Egotist, but that is their only exclusive support.


Zombies have Zombie Master, Book of Life, Il Blud, and Pyramid Turtle. The speed of the Zombies is incredible. Sure, it has nothing on Dark Armed Return or Lightlords, but its got a lot of speed and is definitely top-tier.


So, as FMP said:


Lol Harpies.
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I actually said something like that.


To quote myself:

Harpies only draw ONE CARD for CSR (Card of Safe Return) with Hysteric Party, they seriously have nothing going for them. Where does their "constant summoning" come from? Once a Harpies deck exhausts its EEs and Kamakiri its done. The only thing that can pull you back is Hysteric, which can simply be shot by a Solemn, which pretty much EVERY meta deck plays now. Some people run Birdface, but it only has three targets, so what's it really good for? Harpies have absolutely NO drawing power. The capacity for Special Summoning from the Graveyard isn't nearly good enough to run CSR, and Lucky Pied Piper never stays out on the field long enough.


Zombies have Zombie Master and Il Blud to bring back their dead guys. With the right play, you can instantly flood your field with just ONE Zombie Master Not to mention with THREE Book of Life, Zombie decks can still pick up momentum even if they screw up. With all this SS'ing from the Graveyard, they'll be draw a ton off of their CSR. Pyramid Turtle and Goblin Zombie are constantly pulling more monsters onto the field or into your hand. Pyramid will ANY Zombie onto the field, while Goblin Zombie will pull ANYTHING, except Ryu Kokki, into your hand. With Darkness Gear - Gohka coming out in June, Zombies will be even BETTER, because it's 2400 beat stick with 0 DEF that they can bring out WITHOUT tributes. Most Zombies, being DARK, also profit from Allure of Darkness, and the deck can recover any losses with D.D.R. or Burial from a Different Dimension (ridiculously good against D.D./Macro).

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In casual play, The harpies can be about as annoying to play against as going up against a good Dedede player on Brawl who can chain throw you all across Final Destination...


Sadly, A decent Zombie deck is way to quick for the harpies to handle in both casual in competative play, you have to be pretty lucky to win with the harpies...

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