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Cyberdark Dragonroid [Written]


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Cyberdark Dragonroid
lv 8 DARK
This card is always treated as a Level 3 Dragon-Type monster while in your GY. (Quick Effect): You can discard this card from your hand and target 1 "Cyberdark" or non-WIND "Roid" monster you control; the targeted card gains 2900 ATK until the End Phase this turn. You can only use this effect of "Cyberdark Dragonroid" once per turn.
ATK/2900 DEF/1000

So this card is a Dark version of the revealed Dragonroid where this card acts as a honset Neos for Cyberdarks but also can be equipable by any of the Cyberdark monsters as this card will treat itself as a Level 3 Dragon in the graveyard.

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