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Banner animation. Help needed.


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Guest KAJN

I was searching google. Every time I write something about banner animation but no photoshop tutorials. So could anyone who knows how to use animation in photoshop, could help me?

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Well this can be a difficult thing to do. When you are making it you need to find a picture that you like and on the subject, obviously, then you need to go on to paint (the computer program, not litraly go and paint), then to animate, you will need to take out bit's, and redraw it the way you want the animation to change. That's the only way i know to animate banner's, some people may have better advice, ask chronoscrowler, he's an expert at it, to find him, just go on my latest card contest, and then go onto page two, click onto his name and pm him!! Hope i helped!! ^_^



P.S. you could upload it to tinypic.com and then choose an animation you want!!^_^

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Guest KAJN

Actually I'm a mac user so paint is impossible. So please before you post check.

Edited: Please does anyone know a place that I can download Imageready.

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