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Dragonfall - Highs and Lows


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I made a Dragonmaid Deck recently, so figured I would make some support for them. This card is able to Special Summon monsters from your hand and add stuff from your GY to your hand, based on the Levels of the monsters you use, and as Dragonmaid have both low Level monsters and high Level monsters, I made a little gimmick for that here.



You can target 1 Dragon monster you control; Special Summon 1 Dragon monster from your hand whose Level is at least 3 Levels higher than or lower than that target. If a Dragon monster(s) is sent from your field to the GY: You can add 1 Dragon monster from your GY to your hand whose Level is at least 3 Levels higher than or lower than 1 of those monsters. You can only use each effect of "Dragonfall" once per turn.


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