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Hi everyone

I had an idea to combine YU-GI-OH with poker.

I am not saying this lightly. 

Think of the following scenario: 

What if every player is using a normal set of cards; Same cards and chance of winning, with a little bit of luck added to it.

The rules and combinations are up to the players imagination.

But in a brief brainstorming :

1) Numeric combinations give stronger "monsters" (e.g. same number is a multiplier, with some other way to add numbers etc.).

2) Each turn the player can use one card, except if it is used in combinations.

3) Combinations need to be carefully considered to generate a balanced game, with chances to spin the table even using small numbers. And/or r on an over all, leaving some space for comebacks...

4) flush royal = Exodia



What are your thoughts?

Would you like to play such a game or contribute to its development? 

I personally find the idea intriguing and would like to try its applicability in an environment with friends.

Best regards


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