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Fairy Drain ( tourny deck idea) rate / discuss / fix

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3| Skill Drain

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It's Ok. It might give the enemy trouble, if they're stupid to stall with Marshmallon. It again is ok. 7/10. Could use more traps like- Negate Attack, Hallow Life Barrier, Draining Shield, Magical Cylinder. Those traps that i listed i would adivse you to find and add those, they will help greatly Trust me. i use sevreal of the listed in a beat down deck, and it pays to have those.

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Solemn Judgment is best for countering DAD as well as skill drain.


Divine Wrath says hello


It's Ok. It might give the enemy trouble' date=' if they're stupid to stall with Marshmallon. It again is ok. 7/10. Could use more traps like- Negate Attack, Hallow Life Barrier, Draining Shield, Magical Cylinder. Those traps that i listed i would adivse you to find and add those, they will help greatly Trust me. i use sevreal of the listed in a beat down deck, and it pays to have those.


lol no

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Then again. That is why Skill Drain is in the deck. DAD is usesless once it hits the field with Skill Drain. With Skill Drain in play it counters DAD making it a quick, easy to summon beatstick with no effect. Skill Drain doesnt negate effects that activate from the hand. Wrath could be used but personally Id maybe side deck it. Does Skill Drain by any chance negate flip effects? I might sound stupid asking this. I just need to be sure.

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