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A Glasstin Question : How did you find YCM?


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lol ok, here is the story, and its true!


i was walking home one day from school, and this piece of paper flew by me and landed on the street, near the curb, i went to pick it up, and on the little sheet of paper it said, www.yugiohcardmaker.net

and then below it, it said, "dont forget it this time, dip s#%$"


lol yup, thats my story, nothing to fancy about it ^_^

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lol...bloodrun. nice little way to join a forum and become a well known member on it.


My story is just searching google. not nearly as interresting as Bloodrun's


lol well if you think its that interesting, thanks! ^)^


lol meti, you should have lied said

that your friend gave it to you on his death bed lol

although, that does sound kind of creepy, if you think about it =/

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Guest KAJN

I should've said that our village had a fight with 10000000 people because we didn't join Yugioh Card Maker. Then everything was burning until a laptop was given to me, the webpage was Yugioh Card Maker. I joined everything turned back to normal.

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Well i was posting away on Naruto-Boards.com and i seen a card with a link under it and i said HOW THE |-| |= |_ |_ Did he make that then i seen a link for the website he used it said yugiohcardmaker.net Then i started the card making trend myself and i was known as kibuu1 but i put kibuu for short i made 40 somethin and posted them INSTEAD of typing it in like h.t.t.p.:././. or whatever

then i found out how to copy>>Paste then i was as angry as |-| |= |_ |_ when i posted the Same $ |-| _|_ T over and over then i seen some cool looking cards on the forum then i posted my first set....Let The Darkness....Begin with Dj Osiris as the first to reply :)

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I heard of this thing called Yu-Gi-Oh Card Maker after I was browsing Google. I signed up as LordDavok2 and wanted to save my cards. How I really got to the FORUM was, I saw Supreme Gamemaster Yddisac's thread Super Smash Bros. Legacy, and I wanted to play it, so my first post was on that thread!

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It all happened so sudden

My Grandfather was dieing and told me a legend about a Yugioh card maker...

i went searching and searching...

but no luck...

then a couple years later, i found something in my grandfathers study...

it was a letter...

it stated a location for a map...

but the problem was it was coded...

i believe it was hyrogliphics...

so i went to Egypt to learn what it meant...

i finally found a young woman named annie...

she had trouble with the inscription...

so we went searching through a nearby temple, where she swore she seen them before...

we ended up finding a soothsayer...

who apparently foretold a prophecy that a man would come from the stars...

a man with the strength of 50 men...

and speed that of light...

he also said this man would have a weakness for peanut butter...

so i waited for this man, hoping he could help me...

i finally met him 3 years later...

he said he didn't know what i was talking about...

so i did the only thing i thought i could...

i used the peanut butter on him...

he finally told me of this book of ancient secrets held by chinese buddhists...

so i went to china...

i found these men...

and used my newly found magic to take the book...

the book had a puzzle...

a puzzle that if solved, i could find a secret website with a Yugioh card maker generator...

so i solved it in the next 5 years to find out this website had fallen several years back...

so i said a spell that transported me back to february 15, 2008...

where i went to this website...

and signed up...


[spoiler=The true story]

I yahoo'd it...

i was lookin for a YUgioh card maker generator...xD



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It was a beautiful day in May of 2007. The sun was shining brightly. Instead of going outside, I was playing with my Yu-Gi-Oh cards (don't take this the wrong way) and then I realized that I was bored of the same old boring existing cards. So... I was searching the internet for a site on how I could make my own Yu-Gi-Oh cards. Finally, after a bit of searching, I came across this nice website called yugiohcardmaker.net. I spent about 30 minutes or so making my own cards and I had a blast! I went on this site each day. Then, probably a week later, I saw that this wasn't just a Card Maker, but it was also a Forum in which people could share their creations with people from all over the Globe and also talk about everything associated with the game. I decided to join and to post my creations. Back then, I was a newb and everybody who saw my creations were very judgmental towards them. But, they weren't in a bad way. they gave me the help I needed to make cards like I try today and each member I've given help to have also themselves made me learn a bit about card making! To this day, I try my best to help people with their Card Making and try to make them follow the path I took to become a great maker of cards. I look forward to staying on this forum as long as I share my love and passion of Yu-Gi-Oh cards like everybody on this site does. The mods have helped me as well in some ways and they've all been keeping the site running smoothly since I've been here. To everybody I've met on this forum, I say thanks.



So basically, I discovered YCM by accident but it turned out not to be such an accident at all.


Tomorrow marks my 1-year anniversary on YCM! Hope everybody can have theirs too!

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