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[Written] Are Cantrips Can Be Balance in Yu-Gi-Oh? + Examples


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These cards are generally not worth running if it’s the only thing it does. But if the card is able to replace itself after it uses its actual effect, maybe there is a chance that some of these types of cards see plays.

However, I want to make some caviar for these types of cards since I don’t want all of them become a staple in every deck like Upstart Goblin:

  • If it’s a Spell Card, the draw 1 effect only applied at the end of the turn.
  •  If it’s a Trap Card, the draw 1 effect applied immediately.
  • All of these cards were meant to be played in the slower format.

After all of that out of the way, I’ll give some examples for these types of cards:

Ageless Insight

Normal Spell

Reveal 1 card in the opponent’s hand. During the End Phase: Draw 1 card.



Quick-Play Spell

Target 1 face-up monster you control; it gains 700 ATK/DEF until the end of this turn. During the End Phase: Draw 1 card.


Foreseen the Future

Continuous Spell

When this card is activated: Draw 1 card during the End Phase. You can look at the top card of your opponent’s deck at any time. (Your opponent cannot look at the card)


Nullifying Barrier

Normal Trap

Target monster you control cannot be targeted or destroyed by card effects until the end of the turn. Draw 1 card.  

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