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Something I did for fun[added 4 cards]


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Lately I haven't been having any good ideas about cards so I decided to make these 4 cards from the game Starcraft.




Alright first the Marines:

The Marines unlock their potential when they are in large numbers. They protect each other and never leave an injured commrad behind.


The Firebats:

They are equipped with deadly flamethrowers which can cause a lot of pain to living thins such as zealots and zerglings(I'll get to them when I have the time). So only 1 word is enough - TOASTY


The Medics:

These ladies always accompany the marines and firebats to take care of their injuries.


The Ghosts:

In the game they have 3 Skills

-Become invisible

-Lock mechanical units in force fields

-Call down a nuke to blow up everything.

I'll leave it to you guys to guess whick skill I chose. It's obvious isn't it.


NOTE: I do not own the art in the cards. I found them on Google but it was a long time ago and I don't remember where I found them. I think it was from Blizzard but I'm not sure. Leave a comment if you wish.


These are what I made:



I don't have time to explain the effects and where the idea came from. Take a look at them and leave a comment.

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wow' date=' not bad terran cards. are you going to make zerg or protoss cards next?



Well I have to finish my terran set first. Then I'll make protoss and I doubt that I'll make Zerg since I already saw a few of them 2 days ago I think

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