This is a list of the most asked Questions here on YCM.
Please read through the, and see if your question has been answered, before you post!
How do I post my cards so that people can see them?
[img=your link the picture here]
You may also go to websites like,, and
How do I put the "Click Here" thing in my thread?
[spoiler=Name you want]What ever you want to put in here, goes here[/spoiler]
How do I quote people?
[quote=Name of Person]the thing you want to quote, goes here[/quote]
You may also quote a member, by clicking on the "Quote" button, below that members post.
How do i change my Avatar/Signature?
Click on your User CP (next to the Log Out button)
> On the left of your screen is a side bar that says "Menu", go down to the section that says "Your Profile".
>Then choose either option you want, "Change Avatar"(bottom of the list), "Change Signature" (second to last), "Change Password" (third to last), changing your email, as well as editing your profile, (which allows you to change your banner, the saying under your User Namer, next to your posts)
What are Post Count and Points/Reputation for?
Post Count is to show how many times you have posted a comment, it also raises you member level (ex: 1 star>2stars>3stars, etc..)
Points, you get points everytime you post, or make a thread. Members can also donate points to you, and you to them (this will be discussed later on) You can also win points in contests.
Reputation is to signify that you can be trusted, and that you follow the rules. Now you can increase your reputation level, by being nice, and helping others, as well as win contest. But you can also have your reputation level decreased, if you do not follow the rules, and if you spam (spaming, is when you post comments that are either, offensive, or not related to the subject of the thread.) (giving a reputation will also be discussed later on)
How do I give points?
Giving points is quite simple. Just click on the users name, that you wish to donate points to. This will take you to his/her profile. Now in the profile, on the right side of your screen, you will that users amount of points, and next to that, it will say profile]"Donate". Click on that, and type in the amount of points you wish to donate, and the reason for why you are donating points to this user. It is also possible to give a member points by clicking on the number of points below a members name in a post.
How do I give a Reputation?
Giving reputation is quite simple as well. Just click on the users name, that you wish to add a reputation to. This will take you to his/her profile. Now in the profile, on the left side of your screen, you will see the users reputation points, click on "Vote". This will open up a second window, where you will choose the type of reputation you want to give, and where you will type the reason for giving it. It is also possible to give a member a Reputation by clicking on their Reputation level under their name in a post.
What is the report button for?
The report button is there, so the members of YCM can help the moderating team, sort out spam, offensive material, and when a thread needs to be locked or moved. To report a thread or post, just click the "Report" button at the bottom of that members post.
How can I print my created cards?
1. Make sure the card(s) you've made are saved in an easy-locatable place on your hard-drive.
2. Try to print Nine (9) cards at the same time on one A4 sheet, so open them all up in a program such as Microsoft Word, or Microsoft Publisher, and leave a gap between them, so it is easier to cut later.
3. Make sure that every card has the dimensional width of:
2.3125 inches and a hight of 3.375 inches,
or a width of 5.9 Centimeters and Hight of 8.6 Centimeters.
4. Make sure you have an A4 size printer. Buy some "Photo Paper" or "High Gloss Paper" and set your printer settings compatible with the paper.
5. Print it off, in High-Definition. Make sure it is HD, because it can easily get messed up otherwise.
6. Time to cut out. Get a very sharp knife, and a ruler (scissors will also do, but a knife can be more accurate), place the ruler up against the edges of the card, and cut out!
Note: Guillotines can also be used (not the head-chopping off ones...).
7. Check the thickness of your card. If it seems the same thickness of a real card, just print the back of the card onto the, well, back of the card. If not, you can print off another sheet with card-backs on, and stick them together.
For more information about cards, please visit this thread:
What do I need to have in order to put an image on my card?
Your image can only 2mb in size, and your file can only one of the following:
What is a Synchro Monster? and what does it do?
Synchro Monsters are a new Type of Monster Card to be released in Starter Deck 2008. The color of their card frame is white. These cards are included in the Fusion Deck.
Synchro Monsters require Tuner Monsters to be Summoned. When the total Level of the Tuner monster and the other monsters on your field matches the Synchro monster's Level, by sending them to the Graveyard, you can Summon the Synchro monster. Tuner Monsters can be Effect Monsters or Normal Monsters.
"Tuner" is the first secondary Type for Normal Monsters.
What is a Sub-Type? and how do I create one?
[spoiler=Sub-Type][align=center]Hello and welcome, now before you say anything about this tutorial, I know there have been quite a few of these in the past, however I decided to give this a shot myself. But first thing to note is that only after starting this tutorial did I realize before that in which I spent several minutes cutting out text that I didn't actually need to do so, but anyway this tutorial was done in MS Paint and that just shows how easy this is to do, anyway let's move on and get into things.
1st Step: Okay so first of all, before we really get down to anything you will need to start off by creating two versions of your card, I do suggest you save both versions to your computer so you can then edit them in MS Paint. These two versions must include a "Typeless" version and then a version with your card's type, here is my two versions below.
2nd Step: Okay now here is where things get slightly tricky, well they could do at least. What you will need to do is go to the card image that has your card's type on it and highlight that area and also include the outer rim of the card text box just for aligning purposes make sure to only go to the end of the sub-type, in this tutorial that would be to the end of the I in Gemini, this is show below.
You will then need to copy that and then paste it in the correct alignment on your "Typeless" card image, this may be quite difficult if you aren't very good with this sort of thing, hopefully you won't have any real problems with this, but just in case you can see this below in my example.
3rd Step: Okay here comes the last part of this short but effective tutorial. You will now need to take the "]" that is in your card image that contains your card's type, you will need to cut out a bit of the orange or other colour so that you can place this at the end of your card's type, below is what the finished product should look like.
And that pretty much raps this tutorial up, I wish this could have been longer and not looked so untidy, but I do hope this has helped someone out there a tiny bit, also this isn't limited to Effect Monsters you can do it on any kind of card it will just follow the same principle, I may eventually end up making a "Card Frame Coloring" tutorial but until then enjoy this tutorial!
Tutorial made by good friend, and moderator Haruno Sakura
How do I make a Booster?
[spoiler=How to make a Booster]
Step 1: Save This.
Step 2: Save These.
Step 3: And Save These.
Step 4: Open up GIMP.
Step 5: Open the border that you saved in step 1.
Step 5: Copy and paste the pic you want to use onto the border.
Step 6: Go to Tools>Transform Tools>Scale or press Shift+T
Step 7: Set Width to 199 and Height to 316 and click ok.
Step 8: Go to Tools>Transforming Tools>Move or press M.
Step 9: Move the pic so it's between the top and bottom of the border.
Step 10: Go to File>Open As Layers or press Ctrl+Alt+O.
Step 11: Open up one of the Yugioh logos you saved in Step 3.
Step 12: Position it wherever.
Step 13: Go to File>Open As Layers or press Ctrl+Alt+O.
Step 14: Open up up the 2 logos you saved in Step 2.
Step 15: Position them wherever.
Step 16: Click on the big A on the toolbar.
Step 17: Click on the Aa and click on Palatino Linotype Bold.
Step 18: Click on the colour bar and select the colour you want for your text.
Step 19: Set the Size of the text to something around 20 by clicking on the up and down arrows next to the Size bar or type the size you want in the bar.
Step 20: Click on your pack so far in the place where you want your text.
Step 21: A text box should come up, tick the Use Selected Font Box and type in the name of your booster pack.
Step 22: Click the Close on the text box.
Step 23: Go to Tools>Transform Tools>Move or press M.
Step 24: Position the text wherever.
Step 25: Get a new text box up by doing the same as you did for the title text but this time set the Size to 12. You might want to change the color too.
Step 26: Click somewhere on your booster pack so far and type in " # cards per pack".
Step 27: Click on the close on the text box.
Step 28: Yet again go to Tools>Transform Tools>Move or press M.
Step 29: Position your new text to your desires.
Step 30: Go to File>Save As or press Shift+CTRL+S and type in the name of your booster pack, replace jpg with png, and click save.
Step 31: It should say something like it can't handle layers, just click export and save it and your done!
Step 32: Now go to and upload it! Hope this helped!
This is a list of the most asked Questions here on YCM.
Please read through the, and see if your question has been answered, before you post!
How do I post my cards so that people can see them?
You may also go to websites like,, and
How do I put the "Click Here" thing in my thread?
How do I quote people?
You may also quote a member, by clicking on the "Quote" button, below that members post.
How do i change my Avatar/Signature?
Click on your User CP (next to the Log Out button)
> On the left of your screen is a side bar that says "Menu", go down to the section that says "Your Profile".
>Then choose either option you want, "Change Avatar"(bottom of the list), "Change Signature" (second to last), "Change Password" (third to last), changing your email, as well as editing your profile, (which allows you to change your banner, the saying under your User Namer, next to your posts)
What are Post Count and Points/Reputation for?
Post Count is to show how many times you have posted a comment, it also raises you member level (ex: 1 star>2stars>3stars, etc..)
Points, you get points everytime you post, or make a thread. Members can also donate points to you, and you to them (this will be discussed later on) You can also win points in contests.
Reputation is to signify that you can be trusted, and that you follow the rules. Now you can increase your reputation level, by being nice, and helping others, as well as win contest. But you can also have your reputation level decreased, if you do not follow the rules, and if you spam (spaming, is when you post comments that are either, offensive, or not related to the subject of the thread.) (giving a reputation will also be discussed later on)
How do I give points?
Giving points is quite simple. Just click on the users name, that you wish to donate points to. This will take you to his/her profile. Now in the profile, on the right side of your screen, you will that users amount of points, and next to that, it will say profile]"Donate". Click on that, and type in the amount of points you wish to donate, and the reason for why you are donating points to this user. It is also possible to give a member points by clicking on the number of points below a members name in a post.
How do I give a Reputation?
Giving reputation is quite simple as well. Just click on the users name, that you wish to add a reputation to. This will take you to his/her profile. Now in the profile, on the left side of your screen, you will see the users reputation points, click on "Vote". This will open up a second window, where you will choose the type of reputation you want to give, and where you will type the reason for giving it. It is also possible to give a member a Reputation by clicking on their Reputation level under their name in a post.
What is the report button for?
The report button is there, so the members of YCM can help the moderating team, sort out spam, offensive material, and when a thread needs to be locked or moved. To report a thread or post, just click the "Report" button at the bottom of that members post.
How can I print my created cards?
1. Make sure the card(s) you've made are saved in an easy-locatable place on your hard-drive.
2. Try to print Nine (9) cards at the same time on one A4 sheet, so open them all up in a program such as Microsoft Word, or Microsoft Publisher, and leave a gap between them, so it is easier to cut later.
3. Make sure that every card has the dimensional width of:
2.3125 inches and a hight of 3.375 inches,
or a width of 5.9 Centimeters and Hight of 8.6 Centimeters.
4. Make sure you have an A4 size printer. Buy some "Photo Paper" or "High Gloss Paper" and set your printer settings compatible with the paper.
5. Print it off, in High-Definition. Make sure it is HD, because it can easily get messed up otherwise.
6. Time to cut out. Get a very sharp knife, and a ruler (scissors will also do, but a knife can be more accurate), place the ruler up against the edges of the card, and cut out!
Note: Guillotines can also be used (not the head-chopping off ones...).
7. Check the thickness of your card. If it seems the same thickness of a real card, just print the back of the card onto the, well, back of the card. If not, you can print off another sheet with card-backs on, and stick them together.
For more information about cards, please visit this thread:
What do I need to have in order to put an image on my card?
Your image can only 2mb in size, and your file can only one of the following:
What is a Synchro Monster? and what does it do?
Synchro Monsters are a new Type of Monster Card to be released in Starter Deck 2008. The color of their card frame is white. These cards are included in the Fusion Deck.
Synchro Monsters require Tuner Monsters to be Summoned. When the total Level of the Tuner monster and the other monsters on your field matches the Synchro monster's Level, by sending them to the Graveyard, you can Summon the Synchro monster. Tuner Monsters can be Effect Monsters or Normal Monsters.
"Tuner" is the first secondary Type for Normal Monsters.
What is a Sub-Type? and how do I create one?
[spoiler=Sub-Type][align=center]Hello and welcome, now before you say anything about this tutorial, I know there have been quite a few of these in the past, however I decided to give this a shot myself. But first thing to note is that only after starting this tutorial did I realize before that in which I spent several minutes cutting out text that I didn't actually need to do so, but anyway this tutorial was done in MS Paint and that just shows how easy this is to do, anyway let's move on and get into things.
1st Step: Okay so first of all, before we really get down to anything you will need to start off by creating two versions of your card, I do suggest you save both versions to your computer so you can then edit them in MS Paint. These two versions must include a "Typeless" version and then a version with your card's type, here is my two versions below.
2nd Step: Okay now here is where things get slightly tricky, well they could do at least. What you will need to do is go to the card image that has your card's type on it and highlight that area and also include the outer rim of the card text box just for aligning purposes make sure to only go to the end of the sub-type, in this tutorial that would be to the end of the I in Gemini, this is show below.
You will then need to copy that and then paste it in the correct alignment on your "Typeless" card image, this may be quite difficult if you aren't very good with this sort of thing, hopefully you won't have any real problems with this, but just in case you can see this below in my example.
3rd Step: Okay here comes the last part of this short but effective tutorial. You will now need to take the "]" that is in your card image that contains your card's type, you will need to cut out a bit of the orange or other colour so that you can place this at the end of your card's type, below is what the finished product should look like.
And that pretty much raps this tutorial up, I wish this could have been longer and not looked so untidy, but I do hope this has helped someone out there a tiny bit, also this isn't limited to Effect Monsters you can do it on any kind of card it will just follow the same principle, I may eventually end up making a "Card Frame Coloring" tutorial but until then enjoy this tutorial!
Tutorial made by good friend, and moderator Haruno Sakura
How do I make a Booster?
[spoiler=How to make a Booster]
Step 1: Save This.
Step 2: Save These.
Step 3: And Save These.

Step 4: Open up GIMP.
Step 5: Open the border that you saved in step 1.
Step 5: Copy and paste the pic you want to use onto the border.
Step 6: Go to Tools>Transform Tools>Scale or press Shift+T
Step 7: Set Width to 199 and Height to 316 and click ok.
Step 8: Go to Tools>Transforming Tools>Move or press M.
Step 9: Move the pic so it's between the top and bottom of the border.
Step 10: Go to File>Open As Layers or press Ctrl+Alt+O.
Step 11: Open up one of the Yugioh logos you saved in Step 3.
Step 12: Position it wherever.
Step 13: Go to File>Open As Layers or press Ctrl+Alt+O.
Step 14: Open up up the 2 logos you saved in Step 2.
Step 15: Position them wherever.
Step 16: Click on the big A on the toolbar.
Step 17: Click on the Aa and click on Palatino Linotype Bold.
Step 18: Click on the colour bar and select the colour you want for your text.
Step 19: Set the Size of the text to something around 20 by clicking on the up and down arrows next to the Size bar or type the size you want in the bar.
Step 20: Click on your pack so far in the place where you want your text.
Step 21: A text box should come up, tick the Use Selected Font Box and type in the name of your booster pack.
Step 22: Click the Close on the text box.
Step 23: Go to Tools>Transform Tools>Move or press M.
Step 24: Position the text wherever.
Step 25: Get a new text box up by doing the same as you did for the title text but this time set the Size to 12. You might want to change the color too.
Step 26: Click somewhere on your booster pack so far and type in " # cards per pack".
Step 27: Click on the close on the text box.
Step 28: Yet again go to Tools>Transform Tools>Move or press M.
Step 29: Position your new text to your desires.
Step 30: Go to File>Save As or press Shift+CTRL+S and type in the name of your booster pack, replace jpg with png, and click save.
Step 31: It should say something like it can't handle layers, just click export and save it and your done!
Step 32: Now go to and upload it! Hope this helped!
What it should look like
For more information please follow this link:
Where can I get pictures?
Well you can get picture from either of these sites:
(they aren't limited to these sites, these are just an example)
Star Level?
star chart:
Moderators are 5 stars.
Super Moderators are 6 stars.
And there you have it. The most commonly asked Questions on YCM. >From the moderation team, to you, the forum member<
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