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Card Suggestions Needed

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Where to start, where to start...


I used to play Yu-Gi-Oh cards, from the time of Legend of Blue Eyes to somewhere around the set where Ancient Gear Gollem was released. Recently I rediscovered them, and it's a semi-fun thing to do once in a while with some friends.


However, I'd like some help from you guys, who know the more recent cards. I'd like to know what some good cards are for...


1. Getting specific monster and magic cards from your deck. (Different Dimension Time Capsule)


2. Stalling. (Scapegoat)


3. Having good effects. (Horus the Black Flame Dragon Lv. 8 )


4. Good non-tribute monsters. (Slate Warrior)


If you guys could help me by giving me the card names of newer cards that fit the categories above, it would be a big help. If you just give me the name, I can do the rest.

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1) Sangan, Attribute Searchers, some Type Searchers // Ancient Gear Drill, Terraforming, Arms Hole (OCG).


2) Scapegoat, Fires of Doomsday in competitive // Swords of Revealing Light, Messenger of Piece, Gravity Bind, Level Limit - Area B in fun games.


3) Dark Magician of Chaos, Messenger of Hades - Gorz (OCG), Dark Armed Dragon, Judgment Dragun (From which the latter two can not be used in any deck).


4) Bountiful Artemis, Neo-Spacian Grand Mole, Blue Thunder, Ehren, Don Zaloog.


There are your answers, hope it helps :)

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